DaloLorn / Rising-Stars

A large-scale mod for Star Ruler 2.
18 stars 7 forks source link

Better Level 6 Scalables #74

Open DaloLorn opened 3 years ago

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

So, the recent discussion with Mystic has highlighted that a lot of scalable resources actually have pretty underwhelming effects at level 6. Since they're traditionally a pretty large investment, it seems to make more sense to buff the majority than to nerf the outliers - especially since one of the outliers is the Ancient Hubworld, and cannot be nerfed as trivially as Allondium.

With this in mind, here are the current scalable resources of the mod. Items which have been checked off are (currently) considered to be at a good place, or have what seems to be a decent buff plan already: