DaloLorn / Rising-Stars

A large-scale mod for Star Ruler 2.
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Racial design sets #83

Open DaloLorn opened 3 years ago

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

The default designs in SR2 have never been particularly impressive, to the point that I don't think anyone uses their starter ships for anything except scouting (unless they retrofit them, but this opens a different can of worms). They're also not really racially distinctive - a Bluuhbi or Khalerii will have the same designs as a Terran or Mono, assuming the same FTL types.

This is going to be something of a long-term project, so I don't expect to see it fully implemented soon.

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Terran Confederacy designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Hoonan Cooperative designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Nylli Alliance designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Oko Unity designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Feyh Communion designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Saar Conclave designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Mono Collective designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Rahta Empire designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Fasshi Republic designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Ulthaar Dominion designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Bluuhbi Coalition designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Khalerii Union designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Alipha Foundation designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

Atroan Network designs:

DaloLorn commented 3 years ago

C'k'tnilit Refuge designs:

DaloLorn commented 1 year ago

It occurs to me that these expensive starter ships might not be great to lose early in the game. The flagships I've designed so far for the Terran Confederacy have had the crippling flaw of costing millions of credits to build, and it could take up to an hour to work up enough of a budget to replace them if they're destroyed.

This could be corrected by adding an "Emergency Defense Act" construction, allowing an empire with no military flagships (... let's say flagships with a base combat strength of less than 5000...) to rebuild their starting flagship lineup for a nominal fee. Something like 500k and a flat 90 seconds?

(Emergency Defense Act would not restore lost Harvesters.)

DaloLorn commented 1 year ago

Anastar League designs for #71: