DaloLorn / Rising-Stars

A large-scale mod for Star Ruler 2.
18 stars 7 forks source link

Race presets incorrectly marked as playable by AI #90

Open BottledByte opened 1 year ago

BottledByte commented 1 year ago

When selecting race for AI, many races from the RS mod are marked as playable by the AI. However, when actually selecting one of those races, they will be partially reconfigured - if the lifestyle/FTL is not playable by the AI, it is silently replaced with random AI-playable lifestyle/FTL.

Found in commit b0eb7e8d6a265b6c3cbf330da8b03e75f311a1a2

Reproduction steps

  1. Go to New Game menu
  2. Change AI race to any available race from the RS mod
  3. Check race's lifestyle and FTL method in lobby
  4. The lifestyle and/or FTL is not what was selected as part of the preset

Additional notes

When a race preset contains trait unplayable by the AI, the preset as whole should be marked as unplayable, because now it can fool the player into believing that they will play with/against for example Rahta - they will be playing against race called Rahta, with picture, government, personality, foundation and FTL of Rahta... But not with the Berserker lifestyle (which is quite the whole point of that race :smile:).

Effectively, there is not a single race preset from the RS mod actually playable by the AI, according to what lifestyles/FTLs are available when configuring AI empire's race manually.

I have also noticed that while Khalerii are marked as unplayable by AI, their lifestyle Vanguard (Swarmer) alone is.

As Khalerii also have the Flux FTL, which is unplayable by the AI, I consider the Khalerii preset correctly marked as unplayable - but I am wondering if the AI can actually play as a Vanguard (Swarmer) race or it is an oversight.