Daltron / NotificationBanner

The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
MIT License
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customize the height #417

Open wish-pig opened 11 months ago

wish-pig commented 11 months ago

If you customize the height, you need to add the height of the spacerView here, otherwise the height is incorrect, and the height setting of the spacerView is not publicly available.

public var bannerHeight: CGFloat { get { if let customBannerHeight = customBannerHeight { return customBannerHeight } else if shouldAdjustForDynamicIsland() { return 104.0 } else if shouldAdjustForNotchFeaturedIphone() { return 88.0 } else { return 64.0 + heightAdjustment } } set { customBannerHeight = newValue } }