Daltron / NotificationBanner

The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
MIT License
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Request for updated iOS SDK version with the xcprivacy manifest #429

Closed sakshibala-halodoc closed 3 months ago

sakshibala-halodoc commented 3 months ago

Subject: We need to incorporate the xcprivacy manifest into our app . Starting March 13, Apple will send notifications when uploading builds to the App Store, and this will become mandatory from May 1. All the SDKs used in our app needs to incorporate the xcprivacy manifest. Reference: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=3d8a9yyh

Actions needed: We need the compatible xcprivacy manifest version IOS SDK with xcprivacy manifest. We are expecting a seamless upgrade by upgrading to the latest version.

yasiraliraj commented 3 months ago

Hello Notification Banner Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I would like to draw your attention to an important update required by the App Store. Starting May 1, 2024, a privacy manifest will be mandatory for all apps. Given the ongoing development and support for your SDK, integrating this feature would be highly beneficial for ensuring compliance with the new App Store guidelines. This addition would greatly help developers like us in continuing to provide seamless services through our applications. We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to any updates you can provide.

Thank you for your continued support.

phoney commented 3 months ago

In addition SnapKit is a dependency that is listed by Apple on this page as requiring a privacy manifest. SnapKit 5.7.x has the manifest but NotificationBanner is depending on 5.6.x. We need NotificationBanner to update its dependencies and add the privacy manifest before May 1 or it can't be used in apps submitted to the App Store.


Daltron commented 3 months ago

Hey guys, if you are wanting to open up a PR with the necessary changes, I'd be more than happy to get it merged in! Thank you!

phoney commented 3 months ago


There already are two PRs.

https://github.com/Daltron/NotificationBanner/pull/426 https://github.com/Daltron/NotificationBanner/pull/428

These update the dependencies but don't seem to add a Privacy Manifest for NotificationBanner itself.

Here is a Privacy Manifest that says the library doesn't track at all (It's important that it has all four keys like this one even if it doesn't do anything noteworthy):


phoney commented 3 months ago

@Daltron Thanks for the updates. While you updated the podspec file and added the 4.0.0 tag CocoaPods still thinks the current version is 3.2.1. I guess you still need to register the update with Cocoapods.

ape992 commented 2 months ago

pod 'NotificationBannerSwift', :git => 'https://github.com/Daltron/NotificationBanner.git'

I used this method temporarily.

phoney commented 2 months ago

I'm using this temporarily

pod 'NotificationBannerSwift', :git => 'https://github.com/Daltron/NotificationBanner.git', :commit => '9550d28f111652614e3957e754cde0d7b349bc43'