Dalufishe / palserver-GUI

GUI support, one-click Palworld dedicated server management tool. 可視化界面,一鍵式帕魯 (Palworld) 伺服器建立、管理工具。
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游戏版本更新到2.1了 #25

Open Johnny0810 opened 5 months ago

Johnny0810 commented 5 months ago


Dalufishe commented 5 months ago

遊戲更新跟我的 gui 版本無關喔 你要到伺服器設定 -> 設定 -> 最下方的按鈕更新伺服器

sochiraninja commented 5 months ago

透過GUI更新到0.2.1.0之後沒問題只是會一直跳下面的提示 [2024-04-08 19:59:36] [LOG] RCON executed the command. ShowPlayers [2024-04-08 19:59:37] [LOG] RCON executed the command. Info 差不多每秒跳一次永遠不停

FarrellLukas commented 5 months ago


Dalufishe commented 5 months ago

跳不停是因為新版本官方添加了日誌系統,那兩串 RCON 指令是為了顯示玩家列表調用的,把畫面從管理員面板就不會跳了

Dalufishe commented 5 months ago

高級選項要幫我去手動更新 palguard 版本喔

FarrellLukas commented 5 months ago

app\engine\steamapps\common\PalServer\Pal\Binaries\Win64 palguard.dll version.dll 这些文件需要更新到最新版本吗?

Dalufishe commented 5 months ago

是的 就是這些

FarrellLukas commented 5 months ago
