Damian666 / Orion-Plus-Game-Engine

Simple 2D ORPG game engine written in VB.Net.
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Editor Not Connecting #37

Closed Krilliac closed 7 years ago

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

I moved the server to a VPS, and now the editor won't connect.. it's trying to connect to localhost, but in the client config xml file, the IP points to my VPS, and it connects just fine, but not the editor.

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Also, when i connect, i'm on the wrong map (Which isn't even suppose to exist)


100 maps, and i get spawned on 101, while on Local, it spawns me on the correct map.

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Tried to reproduce it with new chars and some other existing accounts and couldn't reproduce it, so maybe it was just a rare fluke or something, not sure.

Damian666 commented 7 years ago

101? that's a instance map O.o

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Hmm, i had set it to instance, then set it back after i couldn't edit the map.. but what ever, all good now lol

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Did some digging and found that the editor has its own config


but this config is NOT created when the editor is started up and defaults to the localhost, changing the hard coded address to my VPS (where the server is located) allows me to connect.

Damian666 commented 7 years ago

weird, that should point at the same file as the client.

same path, and editor should be run from within client folder O.o

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Yeah tried that, didn't work.. there is also some differences in what is contained in the configs for client and editor.

Damian666 commented 7 years ago

the difference should not matter, all editor should take it login and ip/port

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

Krillic has this issue been resolved on your end?

Krilliac commented 7 years ago

Nope, config not created/used at all.. just resorted to hardcoding the ip tell it's fixed

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

this is an editor end issue?

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

I just checked the editor, it does in fact have the code to load the options and that IS in fact used, it just doesnt save a file if one wasnt found. The exact directory its going to look is Where the Editor.exe is located, inside of a "Data" folder and the file it looks for inside there is called "Config.xml"

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

If it isnt loading certain data from the xml (if it is actually in that location and found) then the categories the variables are listed in may be correct

Username, Password, SavePass are all under UserInfo Ip, Port are under Connections MenuMusic. Music, Sound, Volume are under Sfx

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

These are the default values when the config is not found:

Options.Password = "" Options.SavePass = False Options.Username = "" Options.IP = "Localhost" Options.Port = 7001 Options.MenuMusic = "" Options.Music = 1 Options.Sound = 1 Options.Volume = 100

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

If you are still having trouble with connection via the settings it may be an issue of Localhost not being recognized and you can try

Aside there is nothing to be fixed so im going to assume this has been a settled issue or misunderstanding.