Damian666 / Orion-Plus-Game-Engine

Simple 2D ORPG game engine written in VB.Net.
20 stars 17 forks source link

Fixed a small crash and an issue with banks #4

Closed Chronos-92 closed 7 years ago

Chronos-92 commented 7 years ago

Forgot a simple check, and the fact that And does not equal the && operator in C#, I needed AndAlso.

Chronos-92 commented 7 years ago

This fixes the crash but not the issue.. Hmm.

Chronos-92 commented 7 years ago

Confirmed that this does infact fix the issue.

SpiceyWolf commented 7 years ago

Unless you are using and for string concatenation, "And" and "Or" are technically bitwise operators and you should always use AndAlso and OrElse unless you need to work with bits.