DamianoNaraku / jjodel

A metamodelling platform compatible with EMF/eCore
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Pointer mouse #21

Closed apierantonio closed 3 years ago

apierantonio commented 3 years ago

Quando il mouse si trova su una zona del model element (metaclasse o istanza) che può essere usato per trascinare l'elemento, il puntatore deve cambiare da freccia a pointer

DamianoNaraku commented 3 years ago

Any non-input area can be used to drag the vertex, the pointer has changed for those areas. A quick reminder: Dragging while right-clicking will always allow to drag the vertex regardless of the area clicked inside it. Dragging while holding the mouse wheel will always drag the whole graph, even if “clicking” a vertex. Useful if the graph is covered by a mass of close or overlapping vertex.