I am not able to create migrations with the DoctrineMigrationsBundle since the command terminates with the error message:
# bin/console d:m:diff --em=audit
In NoMappingFound.php line 13:
No mapping information to process
doctrine:migrations:diff [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--filter-expression FILTER-EXPRESSION] [--formatted] [--line-length LINE-LENGTH] [--check-database-platform [CHECK-DATABASE-PLATFORM]] [--allow-empty-diff] [--from-empty-schema] [--em EM]
How to reproduce
Use the DoctrineMigrationsBundle in combination with the DoctrineMigrationsMultipleDatabaseBundle and configure multiple connections and entity managers. Then try to create migrations for the entity manager you've configured as storage service for the auditor bundle.
Expected behavior
Create migrations with the DoctrineMigrationsBundle.
I am trying to create a schema from the audit bundle while using multiple entity managers. This is my current configuration (simplified):
Current behavior
I am not able to create migrations with the DoctrineMigrationsBundle since the command terminates with the error message:
How to reproduce
Use the DoctrineMigrationsBundle in combination with the DoctrineMigrationsMultipleDatabaseBundle and configure multiple connections and entity managers. Then try to create migrations for the entity manager you've configured as storage service for the auditor bundle.
Expected behavior
Create migrations with the DoctrineMigrationsBundle.