Open DamienLB opened 4 years ago
TFA feedback from today:
need instructions at top of page
keyboard: tab order should not change as you move things around; tab focus should be more visible
screen reader:
toggle labels are not attached to the toggle; need to improve color contrast of toggles
gesture: screen reader users might think 'gestures' refer to touch; other users might expect to gesture with motion rather than 'pose' struggled with use case for gestures, other than sign language recognition video gestures might not be easy for screen reader users
to use the demo, screen reader users might need to turn off browse mode
^ I sketched out an idea for the layout
The toggles extend across the top of the page; each toggle has an info button that opens a line of text below the control area that can be closed (in the snapshot, this is scratched out). Only one info box is displayed at any time.
Sound effects When this is toggled on, a musical note appears in the draggable area to indicate that sound is on. Below the on/off toggle is another toggle to switch between tones and audio clips - we could use icons and/or words for the toggle, assuming that two sound options will be available.
Voice input When this is toggled on, a line of text appears that shows what you are saying. An animated icon appears whenever the computer is processing what you are saying. The info text provides examples of what to say to move the objects.
Gesture input This toggle is disabled by default, but the info button is always available. When the toggle is off, the 'Train' button is available. Selecting the Train button opens a side panel with the video output, the Action menu, the Capture button, and - new! - a Progress bar. The progress bar fills in as actions are captured. When it reaches 100%, the Gesture input toggle is activated. The Train button is always available when the Gesture input toggle is set to Off. When Gesture input is set to On, the Train button is disabled and the training panel is closed so that only the video output is displayed.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Punchlist punched to date:
Still TODO:
Additional issues:
Still possible TODO:
link is the same - it has been updated:
Notes from our call today:
focus should return to activating button (info or Train) upon close
sound effect options should not be separate, tab-able buttons; the options need to be associated with the toggle (extending the toggle hit area is out-of-scope)
sound effects still play when gestures are used to move object
Train panel remove jagged edges from focus indicator for close button remove X's from the Action menu remove tick marks from the Progress bar when Train button is disabled, remove hover effect
need aria alert when you've fully trained an action & also when you've fully trained all actions
when gesture input is off, the label under the webcam is still being displayed
Info text
Also note that "Pickup" in the Action menu should be two words, since it's used as a verb :)
@kelly-lancaster link updated with all of the above fixes except fixing the tick marks. Still need to figure that one out.
1- the actions "pick up cat" and "pick up cheese" were removed from the action menu in the Train panel; was this on purpose?
2- using NVDA & tab key, it does not sound like the sound effect options are associated with the toggle; it just says, "check box not checked" using NVDA & arrow keys, both sound effect options are read as being "on" regardless of the state of the toggle
3 - when you hover over the disabled Train button, the mouse pointer disappears entirely; it should not disappear, it just should not have a hover effect
notes from TFA call today:
use radio button markup for sound effect toggle; disable the toggle when sound effects are off
use more verbosity when dragging objects; it does not announce when moving in the same direction; no feedback when use voice input that object moved
tab order of objects still gets shuffled
when object is rejected, the aria live alerts are not correct; when objects are attached, can still select individual objects
reduce frequency of sound effect; make step of arrow keys larger so that cover more distance and can hear sound change with each step
make objects drop so that mouse is eating cheese, cat is eating mouse.
standardize font sizes - and make font-size in notification bigger.
@kelly-lancaster here is the latest link:
Looks great, Damien!
use sound effects; distance relates to frequency
add checkbox for synthesized sound
show words that it hears under toggle
differentiate draggable area with a box or horizontal rule
show voice commands somehow
aria-live for capture button
spike: moving to a specific object
spike: see about more fidelity to register eye movement
leave train mode available.
turn off camera when not using gestures
work on machine learning explanation for presentation