Damieninabox / Lotus-WoW-Bugtracker

Official Bugtracker for Lotus-WoW
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[Raid] Mogu'shan Vaults #380

Closed TellyO3 closed 2 years ago

TellyO3 commented 2 years ago

Stone Guard


Spirit Kings


We didn't do the last boss, will add some clips and additional resources later.

BanHammer69 commented 2 years ago

Adding my comments + SK has entire video footage of these notes in case you want confirmation of the points here:

Stone Guard

Feng the Accursed


Spirit Kings


Greymane commented 2 years ago

@TellyO3 @BanHammer69 Can one of you provide a video for the stone guard issues at least? its the only encounter i have issues reproducing the bugs because due to the nature of the fight, its hard to do it alone with multiple clients open.

Some comments on the issues listed tho that i kinda managed to find where the problem lies.

Timer for activating the next petrification seems to be off, it took about 10-20 seconds for a new guardian to start casting petrification at one point.

~~Initial petrification (boss initial pull) is indeed a bit off, 8s from engage timer + 6.5s-7s after those 8s (so total time around 15s). Petrification is scheduled to happen 6.5-7s after the guardian overloads.~~

Energy Gain radius is too large hence impacting taunt swapping. (I'm the tank with 2 dogs but when swapping even the other tank's single dog was gaining energy when we were on opposite sides of the red central curtain) Energy gain should not occur once dogs are 12 yards apart

This was caused by the event timer that was being used to check if there are or not guardians nearby, it was set to check every 2s, i lowered it to 200ms and i assume it should be good now.

Petrification is not applying correctly. During our fight even though we did the correct swap to ensure Overload was on petrifying dog entire raid took massive overload damage without dampening from petrification (we only survived it due to high gear levels)

Will TRY to check this, my eye didnt catch anything suspicious on the code so far.

Even though there is no fix, mentioning it here since it may have to do with trigger scripts. DBM/Big Wigs are not working as intended E.g. For this fight, SK's DBM did not display the Boss Information Panel (with all dog's energy levels and which one had Petrification etc.) My Big Wigs is unable to post when Amber Pools, Cobalt Mines, Jade Chains etc. are in effect so have to rely on visual cues entirely

Could you provide a link to this addon of yours? i could try and fix it.

Thanks in advance.

Greymane commented 2 years ago

Ok, overload damage dampening trough petrification seems to be working fine

Greymane commented 2 years ago

Nullification Barrier is bugged. Being a channeled spell I have to remain still to ensure full invulnerability frames. However, even on being still, the barrier is ending well before it's full duration (barrier duration should be greater than Epicenter duration)

Invalid, shield is supposed to have 6s duration and not last during the full duration of epicenter, confirmed on https://youtu.be/_TvPI1-_c8E?t=61, channel begins at around 1:02.5 seconds, and ends at 1:08.5

Greymane commented 2 years ago

Meng the Demented encounter is bugged. His 'Crazed' and 'Cowardice' personality switches are not announced and Maddening Shout is not working as intended.

Announces seems to be working, if you have an addon, check fatboss guide and so far the boss itself has no MonsterEmote for these 2 spells (monsteremote being the big yellow test they show in the screen, not addon based). Same for the charged shadows and undying shadows announcements.

Maddening Shout should be now working as intended.

TellyO3 commented 2 years ago

@Greymane Don't use Fatboss those guides are made on PTR realms and do not reflect the encounters in their final form, @BanHammer69 can confirm this.

Greymane commented 2 years ago

Oh, i see, well gotta a need a new source of information then