Dammyololade / flutter_polyline_points

A flutter plugin that's decodes encoded google poly line string into list of geo-coordinates suitable for showing route/polyline on maps
MIT License
109 stars 132 forks source link

Received error code [OVER_QUERY_LIMIT] when using function getRouteBetweenCoordinates() #73

Closed anhTuan0712 closed 1 year ago

anhTuan0712 commented 2 years ago

Yesterday I was able to use it, but today when I called for the 2nd time it returned the error [OVER_QUERY_LIMIT]. I make sure I only call getRouteBetweenCoferences() 1 time at a time. Statistics from my google API. image what should I do to solve this problem?

Dammyololade commented 1 year ago

Kindly check your google cloud configuration