Dan-in-CA / SIP

A highly customizable DIY irrigation/sprinkler controller based on Raspberry Pi
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Interval program works fine, but timeline is wrong #339

Closed Kali- closed 3 days ago

Kali- commented 2 months ago

i have set 2 programs with 2 day interval one start at 0 and one start at 1 and they works as expected

but the timeline in the homepage is wrong as the order is reversed its a bit confusing, as today was performed prog 2 and tomorrow it show prog 2 again (and was the same yesterday with prog 1)

ctosae commented 2 months ago

Could you check if it's the same: https://github.com/Dan-in-CA/SIP/issues/318 ?

This is the last update of the issue: https://github.com/Dan-in-CA/SIP/issues/318#issuecomment-2154341544

Kali- commented 2 months ago

not sure is the same issue, i have 2 program and they run alternately every day

this i my 2 programs:

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 44 03 Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 43 41

this is the timeline yesterday

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 38 16


Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 38 27


Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 38 43

the day after tomorrow

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 19 38 53

as shown, the timeline of tomorrow says it will run the same program as today, but tomorrow SIP will run the other one in the past the timeline is correct, in the future is wrong

jonathan-marsh commented 1 month ago

While I haven't been able to reproduce this exactly, I just created a pull request for a related bug that could be causing this as well. After the request gets accepted, please update and retest and if it still occurs send me additional information - e.g. timezone of the system.

ctosae commented 1 month ago

Thank you @jonathan-marsh for your support. I tested it manually, but in my case it didn't solve the problem :(

This is the local time:

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime
echo "Europe/Rome" > /etc/timezone
systemctl restart systemd-timedated
timedatectl status

Note. I'm using it with docker.. can you try this setup? It's easy to reproduce with all steps here #338

When it is accepted we await feedback from @Kali- as well

Kali- commented 1 month ago

1721074952903 no, still not working properly as u can see in the image, the timeline and what is running is still different (this time i get the screenshot during the execcution, nothing is changed from 5.1.49)

ctosae commented 1 week ago

@Kali- problem solved. Try updating to:

SIP version:    5.1.76
SIP date:   2024-08-24 
Kali- commented 3 days ago

confirmed thank you!