Dan6erbond / jolt

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More Sophisticated Movie Recommendation Algorithm and Database Structure #10

Open Dan6erbond opened 1 year ago

Dan6erbond commented 1 year ago

What is the problem?

Since recommended movies are fetched from TMDB's movie recommendations API, and scored by the ratings given to their source movie, scores can easily be inflated by having them appear in lots of movies' recommendations.


The following models could improve the recommendation algorithm by using a normalized scoring system based on averages of the associated ratings:

type Suggestion struct {
  MediaType         string  // movies or tvs
  MediaID           uint
  UserID            uint
  SuggestionSources []SuggestionSource

func (s *Suggestion) Score() {
  return AvgScore(s.SuggestionSources)

type SuggestionSource struct {
  SuggestionID uint
  Suggestion   Suggestion
  MediaType    string
  MediaID      uint
  ReviewID     uint
  Review       Review

func (s *SuggestionSource) Score() {
  return s.Review.Rating