DanMossa / paliaOnMac-release

Palia Launcher for Macs
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Lags #10

Closed aniamisiewicz closed 10 months ago

aniamisiewicz commented 10 months ago

Hello! First of all I wanna thank You for doing this cause I am a mac girly and a possibility to run Palia is amazing!

I have a pretty bad performance issue, the game lags to the point where I'm actually not able to play. I have an M1 mac, Sonoma and did everything right (I hope haha)

The game works but the lags are bad, I tried to lower the graphic settings in the game but didn't help. Do You have any idea how to solve this?

DanMossa commented 10 months ago

@aniamisiewicz Thanks for the kind words! Quick question, do you happen to know how much RAM/Memory you have? If you're unsure, you can click the Apple Logo at the top right of your screen and click About This Mac. You'll then see a popup appear that states your Memory. It'll probably be 8 GB or 16GB image

These are the steps I'd take in order to get a less laggy experience.

  1. I'd make sure I'm on the latest PaliaOnMac launcher. Currently at 0.5.5.
  2. Close the PaliaOnMac launcher if it's open.
  3. Open up the program Whisky. You can find it in the Applications folder or by holding your space bar and typing in Whisky.
  4. Wait a few seconds and see if it prompts for an updates. If it does, click update. If it does not, on the top left of the toolbar, click Whisky and select Check for Updates and update Whisky if available.
  5. Wait for Whisky to finish updating.
  6. On the top left of the toolbar, click Whisky and select Setup...
  7. Click Uninstall next to GPTK installed.
  8. Click Next wait.
  9. Close Whisky and Open the PaliaOnMac launcher.
  10. Go to the Extras tab and click Clear Cache and set DirectX Version to 12.

Open Palia up, go to settings and turn on vsync and dynamic resolution, also turn down your resolution and settings. Play Palia for a little bit, make sure to walk to new places. It'll lag the first or second time you play but should stop lagging after a little bit. DirectX12 stutters the first time you see something new on your screen, but should be faster than 11 after a little bit.

If it still stutters, I'd open up the PaliaOnMac launcher again, click Clear Cache, Set DirectX to 11 and try playing Palia like that.

Let me know how it goes!

aniamisiewicz commented 10 months ago

I've got 8 GB RAM.

I did everything that you suggested but it didn't help that much - maybe a little bit at first but the longer i play (I mean like 10 minutes not hours haha) the worse it gets. (Switching to 11 made it even less playable)

I don't think You can do that much, maybe my computer is too old or something (it's from 2020). If you'd have any more ideas how to fix that let me know, if not - close the issue. I've accepted my fate - gotta buy the PC ;)

DanMossa commented 10 months ago

@aniamisiewicz Hmmm

Is it still just as laggy if you set the resolution to 720 and use windowed mode? And also set the frame rate to 30?

aniamisiewicz commented 10 months ago
Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-9 o 10 41 30

I didn't have the 720 option

But the rest I've changed and i think it was the worst game experience out of all :( There is a video of my screen: https://we.tl/t-OBVTFlEjYw

DanMossa commented 10 months ago

I'll reopen and ping you if I figure something out! It shouldn't be lagging this much so I'm sure it's something we can fix