DanWBR / dwsim

DWSIM is a Steady-State and Dynamic Sequential Modular Chemical Process Simulator for Windows, Linux and macOS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] PID Controller is not dealing with changes in the controlled object. Faceplate is not being updated with new variable #580

Closed svidille closed 4 months ago

svidille commented 4 months ago

IMPORTANT: This section is meant for bug reporting only. For usage issues, please go to the Support Forums.

Describe the bug PID Controller has a field named Controlled Object and Controlled Property. When the object property changes, it seems to work with the new property but if the user decides to change Kp, Ki, Kd or wind-up guard, offset and setpoint, the object comes back to the previous one. Besides, PID faceplate is not updated properly.

To Reproduce

PLEASE ATTACH THE ZIPPED FLOWSHEET FILE and/or inform the steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to FIC-101
  2. Change Controlled Property from Volumetric Flow to Mass Flow as well as the Unit group (massflow) and Units (Kg/h)
  3. Change the set point from 5560 to 86069
  4. Close FIC-101, save file if desired
  5. Open FIC-101 again
  6. FIC-101 faceplate does not change to the new units
  7. Run the simulation
  8. Change any of the field values: Kc, Ki, Kd, wind-up guard, offset bias, etc

Expected behavior Keep the actual property

Screenshots image


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context N/A FIC-101.zip