DanaHan / Yolov5-in-Deepstream-5.0

Describe how to use yolov5 in Deepstream 5.0
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Yolov5s trt engines performance #22

Open vilmara opened 3 years ago

vilmara commented 3 years ago

Hi @DanaHan, I am getting unexpected performance when running the Yolov5s trt engines with trtexec vs DeepStream, and even when running BS=1 versus BS>1. Please see below:

TensorRT: 7.2.1 DeepStream: 5.1

With trtexec and BS=1: $ LD_PRELOAD=build/libmyplugins.so /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --loadEngine=yolov5s<precision>.engine Performance:

With DeepStream and BS=1:

TRT-INT8 (built with BS=8) |

What is the formula to convert qps to FPS?. What parameters do I need to set in the DeepStream config files to fix the performance issues?,