Open etrigan63 opened 4 years ago
Verified steps to correct the issue:
If you installed numpy via python3 pip:
sudo pip3 uninstall numpy
Then: sudo apt install python3 sudo apt install python3-numpy sudo apt install fswebcam
You of course can combine the 3 apt installs:
sudo apt install python3 python3-numpy fswebcam
I can confirm the same issue, and the resolution from @GiulianoM worked correctly for me.
I followed your instructions to install Duetlapse on a clean install of raspiOS Minimal. I installed python3, installed python3-pip and pip installed numpy and compiled
from source. However, when I launched Deutlapse, it reported that numpy was missing. I checked again and numpy was there. I uninstalled numpy and installed it via apt and it worked. I suggest you update the instructions to reflect this.