Describe the problem below this line as meticulously and detailed as possible (incl. pagelinks if any) is blocked by Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List.
This subdomain is used for the authentication process of the main website at
As long as it's blocked, you can't log in with an account on the website.
Describe the problem below this line as meticulously and detailed as possible (incl. pagelinks if any)
is blocked by Dandelion Sprout's Anti-Malware List. This subdomain is used for the authentication process of the main website at long as it's blocked, you can't log in with an account on the website.
I think this line is responsible:
Add screenshots below if needed
No response
Add a screenshot of the extension's logger
Which adblocker(s) did you use when testing this?
AdGuard Home
Adblocker version(s)
AdGuard Home v0.107.36
Which filterlists did you use? Failing to tell this with at least 10 letters or 1 image, will close the report until it has been told.
Which browser(s) did you use when testing this?
Firefox (incl. LibreFox)
Browser version(s)
Firefox Developer Edition 128.0b9 (64 bits)
Which OS(s) did you use when testing this?
Windows 10
OS version(s)