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Video Ads on VG #186

Closed 54m4d closed 2 years ago

54m4d commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem below this line as meticulously and detailed as possible (incl. pagelinks if any):

Hello Imre!

Just last week ads are displayed just after you click play on a video in a VG article, does not happen on VGTV.

I really wanted to inspect the ads using the logger but unfortunately i don't know where/how to do it, i wish i knew.

Here is the link to the video in the article where i got the ads.

Keep in mind that the video ads are displayed only on videos found in articles, on VGTV for example the issue does not exist.

Add screenshots below if needed:

Capture 19_05_2021_23_02_40

Add a screenshot of the extension's logger:

Logger output | | | | | | | | |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- |:--- | | +27 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vg` | | +22 | \|\|scorecardresearch.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=15236236&ns_type=hidden&ns_st_sv=*null&ns_st_sn=*null&ns_st_en=*null&ns_st_ep=*null&ns_st_ct=*null&ns_st_st=*null&ns_st_pu=*null&c3=*null&c4=*null&c6=*null&c7=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futenriks%2Fi%2Fwea8v4%2Fvg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten&c8=VG%20p%C3%A5%20grensen%20til%20Israel%3A%20Frykter%20regional%20krise%20i%20Midt%C3%B8sten%20%E2%80%93%20VG&c9=` | | +22 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +22 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vg` | | +21 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +20 | \|\|click.vgnett.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://click.vgnett.no/svp.gif?s=vgtv&d=desktop&v=218461&p=5&cb=3389.9380594606223` | | +20 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +19 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +18 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +17 | /?sentry_key= | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | xhr | `https://sentry.app.osl.pubops.net/api/14/store/?sentry_key=41aef1bc64c847a9a3c1856612e9a727&sentry_version=7` | | +17 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +17 | \|\|scorecardresearch.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=15236236&ns_type=hidden&ns_st_sv=*null&ns_st_sn=*null&ns_st_en=*null&ns_st_ep=*null&ns_st_ct=*null&ns_st_st=*null&ns_st_pu=*null&c3=*null&c4=*null&c6=*null&c7=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futenriks%2Fi%2Fwea8v4%2Fvg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten&c8=VG%20p%C3%A5%20grensen%20til%20Israel%3A%20Frykter%20regional%20krise%20i%20Midt%C3%B8sten%20%E2%80%93%20VG&c9=` | | +16 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +16 | \|\|click.vgnett.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://click.vgnett.no/svp.gif?s=vgtv&d=desktop&v=218461&p=-2&cb=9308.132906627116` | | +16 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +7 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vg` | | +5 | \|\|click.vgnett.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://click.vgnett.no/svp.gif?s=vgtv&d=desktop&v=218461&p=-1&cb=2626.2841702971064` | | +4 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +4 | \|\|scorecardresearch.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=15236236&ns_type=hidden&ns_st_sv=*null&ns_st_sn=*null&ns_st_en=*null&ns_st_ep=*null&ns_st_ct=*null&ns_st_st=*null&ns_st_pu=*null&c3=*null&c4=*null&c6=*null&c7=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futenriks%2Fi%2Fwea8v4%2Fvg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten&c8=VG%20p%C3%A5%20grensen%20til%20Israel%3A%20Frykter%20regional%20krise%20i%20Midt%C3%B8sten%20%E2%80%93%20VG&c9=` | | +4 | \|\|scorecardresearch.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=15236236&ns_type=hidden&ns_st_sv=*null&ns_st_sn=*null&ns_st_en=*null&ns_st_ep=*null&ns_st_ct=*null&ns_st_st=*null&ns_st_pu=*null&c3=*null&c4=*null&c6=*null&c7=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futenriks%2Fi%2Fwea8v4%2Fvg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten&c8=VG%20p%C3%A5%20grensen%20til%20Israel%3A%20Frykter%20regional%20krise%20i%20Midt%C3%B8sten%20%E2%80%93%20VG&c9=` | | +3 | \|\|adnxs.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | xhr | `https://secure.adnxs.com/getuidj` | | +3 | \|\|click.vgnett.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://click.vgnett.no/svp.gif?s=vgtv&d=desktop&v=218461&p=0&cb=6958.1095064160145` | | +3 | \|\|click.vgnett.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://click.vgnett.no/vgtv.gif?d=desktop&v=218461&cb=3090.9717198009166` | | +2 | ##+js(no-floc) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | ##+js(addEventListener-defuser, load, concat) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | ##+js(abort-on-property-write, __AB__) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | @@\|\|vg.no^$generichide | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 1 | generichide | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | ##+js(no-floc) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | ##+js(addEventListener-defuser, load, concat) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | ##+js(abort-on-property-write, __AB__) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | @@\|\|vg.no^$generichide | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 1 | generichide | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vgtv` | | +2 | @@\|\|scorecardresearch.com/internal-c2/plugins/streamingtag_plugin_jwplayer.js | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/internal-c2/plugins/streamingtag_plugin_jwplayer.js` | | +2 | \|\|ssl.p.jwpcdn.com^*/jwpsrv.js$script,important,domain=eurosport.*\|gamereactor.*\|vg.no | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://ssl.p.jwpcdn.com/player/v/8.19.1/jwpsrv.js` | | +2 | \|\|ssl.p.jwpcdn.com^*/vast.js$script,important,domain=eurosport.*\|gamereactor.*\|vg.no | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://ssl.p.jwpcdn.com/player/plugins/vast/v/8.8.6/vast.js` | | +2 | @@\|\|scorecardresearch.com/c2/plugins/streamingtag_plugin_jwplayer.js | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/c2/plugins/streamingtag_plugin_jwplayer.js` | | +2 | @@\|\|youbora.com/*/js/adapters/jwplayer$script | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://smartplugin.youbora.com/v6/js/adapters/jwplayer/6.5.0/sp.min.js` | | +2 | ##.webboard | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +2 | \|\|collector.schibsted.io^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://collector.schibsted.io/api/v1/track/sdrn:schibsted:client:vg` | | +1 | \|\|adnxs.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | image | `https://secure.adnxs.com/getuid?https://cis.schibsted.com/api/v1/sync?ANID=$UID` | | +1 | \|\|log.medietall.no^ | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://log.medietall.no/analytics.js` | | +1 | ##p[data-test-tag=lead-text] ~ p[class] ~ div[class]:before | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +1 | ##div[id^=adPlacement] | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +1 | ##div[id^="adPlacement_"] | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +1 | ##.bundle li[class^=css-]:has(div[data-ad-subtype]) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +1 | ###main > div:has([data-ad-subtype^=skyscraper]) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +0 | \|\|brandmetrics.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://cdn.brandmetrics.com/survey/script/958329b0909545fe8f0cdc6dc8ba49d0.js` | | +0 | \|\|acdn.adnxs.com/ast/ast.js$script,important,domain=vg.no | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | script | `https://acdn.adnxs.com/ast/ast.js` | | +0 | @@\|\|vg.no^$generichide | ++ | `www.vg.no` | 1 | generichide | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +0 | ##+js(no-floc) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +0 | ##+js(addEventListener-defuser, load, concat) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +0 | ##+js(abort-on-property-write, __AB__) | | `www.vg.no` | | dom | `https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/wea8v4/vg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten` | | +0 | \|\|scorecardresearch.com^$3p | -- | `www.vg.no` | 3 | ping | `https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/p?c1=2&c2=15236236&ns_type=hidden&ns_st_sv=*null&ns_st_sn=*null&ns_st_en=*null&ns_st_ep=*null&ns_st_ct=*null&ns_st_cs=1920x1080&ns_st_st=*null&ns_st_pu=*null&c3=*null&c4=*null&c6=*null&c7=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Futenriks%2Fi%2Fwea8v4%2Fvg-paa-grensen-til-israel-frykter-regional-krise-i-midtoesten&c8=VG%20p%C3%A5%20grensen%20til%20Israel%3A%20Frykter%20regional%20krise%20i%20Midt%C3%B8sten%20%E2%80%93%20VG&c9=` |

Which adblocker(s) and version did you use when testing this?


Adblocker version(s): 1.35.2

Which filterlists did you use? Failing to tell this will temporarily close the report until it has been told.

- uBlock filters 
- uBlock filters ā€“ Privacy 
- EasyList 
- AdGuard Tracking Protection
- EasyPrivacy
- šŸ”ļø Dandelion Sprouts nordiske filtre for ryddigere nettsider (uten sporerhvitelisting)

Which browser(s) and version did you use?

Chrome v90.0

(Optional) Which OS and version did you use?


OS version: 2004

DandelionSprout commented 2 years ago

I can reproduce the problem with ease, but I found myself unable to create a good fix for it. I've now asked experts on ##+js-type entries if they can help me out with this.

54m4d commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

Just for info: i have just installed Brave browser and activated every single filter that comes with it and switched the blocking mode in the settings to aggressive, but the issue is still there, I thing VG is willing to reach to extreme lengths to put an anti-adblock on its site. :)

In my opinion VG has some of the most resilient and aggressive ads out there.

DandelionSprout commented 2 years ago

Among Norwegian sites, it's VG and Tek that are in a league of their own when it comes to anti-adblocker techniques, with ITavisen on third.

54m4d commented 2 years ago

That's correct, šŸ”ļø Dandelion Sprouts nordiske filtre for ryddigere nettsider in my experience beats all the ads on those sites you mentioned, except the video ads on VG that appeared since last week.

liamengland1 commented 2 years ago

How about ||cdn.vgc.no/js/libs/homad-config.json$xhr,redirect=noop.js. Probably doesn't work in firefox, although the site isn't giving me ads in firefox.

DandelionSprout commented 2 years ago

Works like a charm in Chrome.

In Firefox I get a blacked-out video screen after half a second.

mapx- commented 2 years ago

test vg.no##+js(no-fetch-if, damoh)

DandelionSprout commented 2 years ago

Seems to work like a charm on both browsers.

54m4d commented 2 years ago

@DandelionSprout @mapx-

vg.no##+js(no-fetch-if, damoh) worked

I'm not good with the logger, but i run it and i filtered the requests by the "not allowed", there was something like https://ssl.2.damoh.vgtv.no/08335dd2515d1ec2c5e377606c9158f3954e3ee0/ but i could not come closer to anythink like vg.no##+js(no-fetch-if, damoh)

How do you use the logger to find the exact issue?

DandelionSprout commented 2 years ago

The logger is unable to provide any hints regarding how to write ##+js entries, sadly; as those are fairly advanced JavaScript files that are (usually) meant to cancel a site's own scripts.

At best one can look for <script> elements in the browsers' F12 menus.

54m4d commented 2 years ago