DandelionSprout / adfilt

The place where I, DandelionSprout, store my web filter lists for countless topics, including my Nordic adblock list. As simple as that, really.
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[Clear URLs for uBo] Add Netflix's trackId #628

Closed Tiagoquix closed 1 year ago

Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

This removes the ?trackId=NUMBER from Netflix URLs. For example: https://www.netflix.com/watch/80114226?trackId=12345678

Unsure if $removeparam=trackId,domain=netflix.com is better than ||netflix.com$removeparam=trackId.

Also, following the file's list order, shouldn't the last entry (in this case, trackId) have nothing after it instead of having a comma?

I also replaced single quotes to double quotes in an Amazon filter, because following the file's list that seems to be a typo.

Thank you for your attention!

Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

Another filter to consider adding: ?redirectedfrom= (for example: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/windows-10-start-layout-options-and-policies?redirectedfrom=MSDN#start-options)

iam-py-test commented 1 year ago

I think you misunderstood the purpose of that list. New filters must be reported upstream to the ClearURLs maintainers. That list is just an allowlist for filters which break websites

Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

Yep. Thanks for the info!

Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

@iam-py-test Hey. Correct me if I'm wrong: the purpose of the list is to, basically, mimic the extension without using the extension. Is this correct?

iam-py-test commented 1 year ago

@iam-py-test Hey. Correct me if I'm wrong: the purpose of the list is to, basically, mimic the extension without using the extension. Is this correct?

Yes. However, it only contains the functionality to remove tracking parameters, and not any of the other functions of the extension. The list is generated from the original rules used by the extension by a Python script created by @rusty-snake

Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

@iam-py-test Hey. Correct me if I'm wrong: the purpose of the list is to, basically, mimic the extension without using the extension. Is this correct?

Yes. However, it only contains the functionality to remove tracking parameters, and not any of the other functions of the extension. The list is generated from the original rules used by the extension by a Python script created by @rusty-snake

Thanks for the info!

Considering that, why isn't Netflix's trackId included in this list? It's present in the official list:



rusty-snake commented 1 year ago


Tiagoquix commented 1 year ago

Oh, forgive me. The reason I opened the pull request was because the "trackId" hadn't worked, but I realized it turned out to be a unique situation.

I apologize for all the inconvenience caused here (and the shame I went through).

Pretend this never existed.


iam-py-test commented 1 year ago

Oh, forgive me. The reason I opened the pull request was because the "trackId" hadn't worked, but I realized it turned out to be a unique situation.

I apologize for all the inconvenience caused here (and the shame I went through).

Pretend this never existed.


It's fine. We all make mistakes.