Danfoa / invite-robotics

Integration of Motoman CSDA10f dual arm robot with ROS, Moveit and Gazebo, with aims of creating a robotics developing platform for Invite GmbH, pre-configured to be simple to use and learn.
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Problem all_joint_states with all_joint_names #5

Open SinaiAranda opened 6 years ago

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm work with Motoman dual robot sda20d, I take your package like reference for my package. I add this configuration, and I run roslaunch and this just run one time and show:

[FATAL] [1525701109.760904112]: ASSERTION FAILED file = /home/sda20/cidesi_robots_ws/src/motoman-indigo-devel/motoman_driver/src/industrial_robot_client/joint_relay_handler.cpp line = 320 cond = all_joint_state.positions.size() == all_joint_names.size()

[joint_state-2] process has died [pid 7228, exit code -5, cmd /home/sda20/cidesi_robots_ws/devel/lib/motoman_driver/robot_state __name:=joint_state __log:=/home/sda20/.ros/log/c9baf556-51fd-11e8-8a16-009a9e9d9347/joint_state-2.log]. log file: /home/sda20/.ros/log/c9baf556-51fd-11e8-8a16-009a9e9d9347/joint_state-2.log*

In joint_states show correctly sda20d/sda20d_r1_controller/join_states, sda20d/sda20d_r2_controller/join_states, sda20d/sda20d_b1_controller/join_states except sda20d/sda20d_b2_controller/join_states (this don't show).

The display of the robot (trough of MotoPlus) show: Controller number of group = 3. State Server Send failure. Closing state server connection. Closing Motion Server Connection. Motion Server Connection Closed.

Any help I would like to thank you.

Danfoa commented 6 years ago

Hi @sinaiaranda-CIDESI sorry for the late answer I have been a little busy lately. I am sorry to say that we didnt face this problem but we did face a similar issue that I reported on ros-industrial/motoman#209, check the answer from the mantainer, and the pull request he references, this seems to be a problem with Motoman Driver and a controller with more than 3 control groups (just a guess it can be another thing).

So my recommendations would be:

  1. Try ros-industrial/motoman#135, if that doesn't solve your issue, then...
  2. Go to motoman/motoman_driver/src/simple_messages/joint_feedback_ex.cpp and modify the following function: bool JointFeedbackEx::unload(industrial::byte_array::ByteArray *buffer) and at the end of the "for" add
    if(i != 0){

    (This is a solution posted on this google group )

  3. If the previous things do not help, create an issue on the ros-industrial/motoman package, those guys are the true heroes.

PS: If you find a solution please don't forget to post it, e need to create a library of issues and information....good luck.

Danfoa commented 6 years ago

As far as I can see there is no errors in the .yaml conffiguration files and joint naming.

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

@Danfoa you can show me the roslaunch motoman_csda10f_support robot_interface_streaming_csda10f.launch controller:="dx100" robot_ip:="" --screen

I have not been able to advance more than this.

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

Thanks! https://github.com/ros-industrial/motoman/pull/225#issuecomment-401814074

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

Just to comment on this: several issues have been identified when trying to use the current motoman_driver nodes with robots such as yours.

One side has been fixed (ie: robot->driver), but the other side (driver->robot) has not. This means that receiving robot state should be ok now, but commanding motion needs some work.

I have a few fixes that I can make available to you. If you could test them with your setup, I would be grateful.

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

I've done some movement tests from Rviz and it seems to work. Of course, I can do it.

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

Which specific fork/branch are you using?

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

These are motoman driver, motoman_sda20d and Motoplus v180. I see that already there other new version 1.8.1.

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

Your motoman_driver link points to your own repository (sinaiaranda-CIDESI/motoman_sda20d) and that doesn't contain the actual motoman_driver package.

I need info on motoman_driver alone. Exact repository and branch / version.

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

Sorry, is this https://github.com/sinaiaranda-CIDESI/motoman_driver

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

Is this a copy of the code in ros-industrial/motoman?

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

yes, I loaded it from my computer. The new has some modifications.

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

Just run with real robot, not on simulation.

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

It's difficult to see exactly which changes you've made this way. Can you please fork ros-industrial/motoman, make a branch and upload your changes there?

SinaiAranda commented 6 years ago

I do not have changes of ros-industrial/motoman. First I used this modification. After, you told me that motoman_driver kinetic already is correct. This motoman_driver kinetic-devel I used for the real robot without problem just from Rviz. For this roslaunch (simulation) have this problem:

[ WARN] [1530647782.085193845]: Waiting for sda20d/sda20d_r1_controller/joint_trajectory_action to come up [ERROR] [1530647788.085494466]: Action client not connected: sda20d/sda20d_r1_controller/joint_trajectory_action [ WARN] [1530647793.207681309]: Waiting for sda20d/sda20d_b1_controller/joint_trajectory_action to come up [ WARN] [1530647799.207887742]: Waiting for sda20d/sda20d_b1_controller/joint_trajectory_action to come up [ERROR] [1530647805.208096116]: Action client not connected: sda20d/sda20d_b1_controller/joint_trajectory_action [ERROR] [1530647809.413972570]: Unable to connect to move_group action server 'move_group' within allotted time (30s) [ WARN] [1530647810.328533462]: Waiting for sda20d/sda20d_r2_controller/joint_trajectory_action to come up [ WARN] [1530647816.328974007]: Waiting for sda20d/sda20d_r2_controller/joint_trajectory_action to come up [ERROR] [1530647822.329238068]: Action client not connected: sda20d/sda20d_r2_controller/joint_trajectory_action

Danfoa commented 6 years ago

I am currently on vacations and do not have access to the robot, so I am not able to provide any robot feedback any time soon, Sorry.

I would recommend checking the motoman repository solved issues page and to contact directly motoman support.

I am sorry I cannot be of much help.