This change adds various small updates to the trad_rack module:
Update description for TR_RESUME since it is no longer only used after a failed load or unload: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@f597dab
Compatibility with changes to PrinterExtruder (from bleeding-edge-v2): #324
Replace PAUSE_STATE with the pre-toolchange gcode state when pausing due to a failed toolchange: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@47ed7c5
(ensures RESUME brings the toolhead to the right place when it restores PAUSE_STATE, avoiding an error where the rest of the current layer is printed at the wrong height if the toolhead was moved during the toolchange command and the print file does not contain any z movements until the next layer)
Make _load_lane() and _load_selector() less redundant: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@de3fe7a, Annex-Engineering/TradRack@6b319a7
Get rid of retry_tool since _load_toolhead() can already check all the lanes assigned to next_tool: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@dbc7c29
Skip toolchange resume callback if the next lane or tool is already loaded to the toolhead: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@bdb3312
Reset next_lane and next_tool in TR_SET_ACTIVE_LANE if a matching lane was set to active: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@25e0473
Add next_tool to status: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@9c4743d, Annex-Engineering/TradRack@c1d3230
Don't add a gcmd (GCodeCommand) argument where it isn't needed: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@569c70d
Catch more specific exceptions, replace instances of self.gcode.error with self.printer.command_error to be more consistent: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@949df75
Fix issue from Annex-Engineering/TradRack@096f6a0 that could cause min_extrude_temp to be saved as tr_last_heater_target: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@1d4ef1a
Initialize self.variables in init first: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@40f4ef3
Scale extra travel for selector calibration homing moves based on lane count: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@92b2411
Add option to _find_replacement_lane() to not check the runout lane: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@92b2411
(avoids an unnecessary attempted load if the lane is already known to be empty)
_load_toolhead(): update lane and next_lane if the selector was loaded from a lane other than what was initially specified: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@ff09af8
Use max distance from load_lane_time when loading the selector in TR_CALIBRATE_SELECTOR: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@f52f4f6
Clear resume stack whenever a resume callback is set up while the print is not paused: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@28e497d
(any resume setup that the user bypassed by resuming the print without using TR_RESUME should now be dropped and not affect any future runs of TR_RESUME)
Add next_lane and tool_map to status: Annex-Engineering/TradRack@d37c7ba
If selector position is uncertain due to setting it via SET_ACTIVE_LANE, home during the next toolchange after unloading or when finding a replacement lane: Annex-Engineering/TradRack#9
This change adds various small updates to the trad_rack module: