DangerOnTheRanger / maniwani

Imageboard software for the 21st century
MIT License
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Diverse Theme Adoption #85

Open DonaldTsang opened 5 years ago

DonaldTsang commented 5 years ago

Here are some examples https://systemspace.link/ and https://boards.systemspace.link/ https://www.lainchan.org/ https://arisuchan.jp/ https://dangeru.us/ https://wirechan.org/ http://spacechan.xyz/ https://mewch.net/ http://ronery.me/ https://loli.vodka/ https://www.meepmorp.net/ https://meguca.org/ http://bunkerchan.xyz http://endchan.xyz / http://endchan.org https://fapchan.org https://waifuist.pro https://einskanal.net/ https://bbw-chan.nl/ https://kek.fun/ https://indiachan.com

DangerOnTheRanger commented 5 years ago

Making new themes at this point is fairly straightforward, it's just a matter of design and someone taking the time to write the scss now. I'd personally like an arisu-based theme myself, and will probably write it at some point. Beyond that, I'm open to accepting pull requests for themes as long as they don't break existing content in some way.