Dani3lSun / apex-plugin-dropzone

Oracle APEX Region Plugin - Dropzone
MIT License
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I have added a filename A.pdf several times using the Dropzone plugin in my APEX. But suddenly I am not able to upload the same file with this name. If I change the name of the file, I can still upload it. Is there any place or registry or cache, where there is a limit on the same filename entries ? I am guessing that the file with same name is there in the registry or cache and now it is not allowing me to add more files with same name. Please suggest #54

Closed abha3011 closed 5 years ago

abha3011 commented 6 years ago

Expected behavior

I should be able to upload the file with same name under different sessions.

Actual behavior

I am not able to save the file with name A.pdf, but if i change the filename it gets uploaded successfully.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Login to APEx
  2. Click on dropzone box
  3. Select file A.PDF and drag it in the dropzone
  4. No records is found in the interactive grid below, where I am writing the query : select C001 from apex_collections where collection_name = 'DROPZONE_UPLOAD'
  5. I change the name of the file to Abc.pdf and then drag it in the dropzone
  6. It gets successfully uploade and can be seen in the interactive grid below.

APEX version (4.2.6 / 5.0.3)

APEX version

Used web server / version and platform (ORDS 3.0.3 / Tomcat 7 / Apache 2.4 / Linux x64)


Used web browser / version and platform (Chrome 48 Mac / Firefox 44 Windows)

Chrome and Firfox

Dani3lSun commented 6 years ago

Hi @abha3011

this sounds strange...I tested it on my local env and it works if I do the steps you described above... dropzone Do I do the same as you?

abha3011 commented 6 years ago

hi, Thanks for your reply. Yes, you are doing the same steps, but the diffrence is you have added the files only 3 -4 times. Whereas, I have added this filename may be a hundred times during testing, over a period of time. Everytime it was getting added properly. But suddenly after numerous uploads, i was not able to upload the file with same name. Then I tried changing the name and it got uploaded.

I am not sure why this is happening. Recently I read similar problem in microsoft outlook attachments, and there they had multiple files with same names in the registry, which was creating problem, and so they deleted those files from the temp folder in registry and then everything was fine.

so I am just wondering if this may be the case here as well ? But if that is the case, then I do not know the temp folder/location where they are getting stored.

abha3011 commented 6 years ago


I am attaching the steps for your reference.

Dani3lSun commented 6 years ago

I also tried it more times than the GIF shows, and neither had that issue...Can you try the following: 1) Visit your dropzone page 2) Open browser dev tools and open network tab 3) Upload a file & have a look at the response output of the failed upload

screen shot 2018-08-01 at 20 26 29
abha3011 commented 6 years ago

Hello @Dani3lSun,

Thanks for your time . I tried to see the response for A.pdf file, but it shows "Success", Although the file is still not visible. I also tried with some other filename, for that also status is also "Success" but the file is visible in the interactive grid. media1

This looks very weird, and I am not able to resolve it. Please suggest.

Regards, Abha

abha3011 commented 6 years ago


I just noticed one more thing, in the wwv_flow_ajax. There are no values coming in under "Values" tag for A.pdf and total_rows = 0.

While if I change the name to ABCD.pdf, there are values under "Values" tag and total_rows = 1.


Regards, Abha

abha3011 commented 6 years ago

Hello Dani3lSun,

I am not able to resolve this issue,yet . Did you get any chance to look into it further ?

Regards, Abha

aldocano29 commented 6 years ago

I am facing kind of the same issue here... I have uploaded a file several times and now whenever I try to upload it again the plug in send this error inside the Network Tab:

{ "status": "error", "message": "File my filename NOT saved to APEX Collection COLLECTION_NAME", "code": "ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [25027], [11], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []", "id": "" }