Daniel-Brai / Journly

Journly is an open-source live voting/polling API platform designed to facilitate interactive and engaging experiences for various events, conferences, and online platforms by enabling users to create, participate in, and manage real-time polls through a variety of voting algorithms to collect instant feedback and opinions from audiences.
MIT License
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[Refactor]: Revamp Journly #1

Open Daniel-Brai opened 3 months ago

Daniel-Brai commented 3 months ago
kerns commented 3 months ago

What does moving to an API-only model mean for the future of Journly :) ...and is there a place where I can read about the steps needed to take to see a demo of Journly running locally?

Daniel-Brai commented 3 months ago

Hi there @kerns! I am currently moving to an API-only model because I did not want to limit the consumption of the API to only the client I create. As such I have decided to switch to an API-only model in which different clients can consume and run the API of their own accord. This also means I will be investing a lot in documentation and optimization of the Journly API through the use of Swagger, Postman, Compodoc and other tools. As for the question of a demo of the API alongside a simple client consuming it, that would be included in the process of the documenting the API.