Daniel-Glucksman / JBig2Decoder.NET

A .Net Implementation of the JPedal JBig2 Decoder
MIT License
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Quality of JBIG2 image in PDF file #3

Open wstaelens opened 6 years ago

wstaelens commented 6 years ago

pdf file with JBIG2 image inside: https://ia800302.us.archive.org/22/items/onlatinlanguage01varruoft/onlatinlanguage01varruoft.pdf ( https://archive.org/details/onlatinlanguage01varruoft )

on the second page the quality is not good. I don't know if this is due to this JBig2Decoder.NET or because of the component using it.

this is the quality: jbig2 quality but foxit reader shows it ok.

I've seen this project https://github.com/afila/JBIG2-Image-Decoder.NET :

A .Net implementation of the Borisvl/JBIG2-Image-Decoder(fork of JPedal's JBIG2 library) with correct MMR decoding

could it be that this MMRDecoder gives better quality? https://github.com/afila/JBIG2-Image-Decoder.NET/blob/master/JBig2Dec/Decoders/MMRDecoder.cs compared to https://github.com/devteamexpress/JBig2Decoder.NET/blob/master/JBig2Decoder/Decoders/MMRDecoder.cs