Daniel-Ioannou / flutter_country_picker

A flutter package to select a country from a list of countries.
MIT License
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Countries Flags (icons) not loaded / showing country code instead V2.0.22 #131

Open yhyarakmani opened 9 months ago

yhyarakmani commented 9 months ago

country_picker: ^2.0.22

======== Exception caught by image resource service ================================================ The following Event$ object was thrown resolving an image frame: [object Event]

When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: Image provider: NetworkImage("https://www.countryflagicons.com/FLAT/64/AU.png", scale: 1) Image key: NetworkImage("https://www.countryflagicons.com/FLAT/64/AU.png", scale: 1)


Daniel-Ioannou commented 9 months ago

@yhyarakmani Flags for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) are displayed using emojis. Unfortunately, this approach does not work on web and Windows. Instead, the flags were initially loaded with network images, as implemented by @bahricanyesil in PR #116. However, it appears that the network images are currently unavailable.

I am actively working to resolve this issue with the flags on web and Windows. Meanwhile, in version v2.0.22., I have removed the network images.

AdrienLemaire commented 2 weeks ago

@Daniel-Ioannou looks like the useFlagImage has been removed since you merged #132. Is there no other way to see the image flags on flutter web ?