Daniel-KM / Omeka-S-module-CleanUrl

Displays clean and readable URLs like https://example.org/my_collection/dcterms:identifier in Omeka S.
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Advance Search Paginator does not work when Clean URL active #16

Open AlyxTaj opened 1 year ago

AlyxTaj commented 1 year ago

Hello Daniel,

I am on an Omeka 4.0.0 version, with Advanced Search version and Clean URL version 3.17.5 (I had the same issue with the previous version of the module).

As stated in the title of this issue, there seems to be an incompatibility between the Clean URL and the Advanced Search modules. The pagination arrows of an advanced search page (nav.pagination a.previous.o-icon-prev.button and nav.pagination a.next.o-icon-next.button) do not work, as they only redirect to the search page with no incrementation. "example.com/s/mysite/advanced-search-page"

It is possible to input a page number, which then leads correctly to the selected page of results. But wherever I am, the arrows only bring me back to the base page. When Clean URL is disabled, they work perfectly, and immediatly increment, with the URL going "advanced-search-page?page=2" etc.

I have tried to offer other means of navigating through items (form, facets, sorting, etc.) but this pagination is an important tool I fear is essential.

Thanks in advance,

pverberne commented 1 year ago

Did you try upgrading modules Generic and CleanUrl to there latest versions?