Daniel-KM / Omeka-S-module-CleanUrl

Displays clean and readable URLs like https://example.org/my_collection/dcterms:identifier in Omeka S.
5 stars 4 forks source link

Main base path doesn't work after upgrade from CleanURL 3.15.5 to #4

Closed psalido closed 3 years ago

psalido commented 4 years ago

After upgrade from Omeka S 1.4.0 with CleanURL 3.15.5 to Omeka 2.1.2 with CleanURL, URL's gennerated at site ommits any Main base path part configured. So, when you click on generated URL, you get an Omeka S Page not found error.

If you enter correct URL by hand, pages (collections, items...) are accessible.

Seems error on \CleanUrl\src\Router\Http\CleanRoute.php file, function _getUrlPath, line 896:

893                $basePath = '';
894        }
896        $mainPath = $withMainPath ? $setting('cleanurl_main_path_full') : '';
898        return ($absolute ? $serverUrl() : '') . $basePath . '/' . $mainPath;
899    }

I fix it quickly replacing $setting('cleanurl_main_path_full') with $this->settings['main_path_full']

Daniel-KM commented 3 years ago

This bug has been fixed in the version for Omeka v3.