Daniel-KM / Omeka-S-module-IiifServer

IIIF Server is a module for Omeka S that adds the IIIF specifications to serve any images and medias.
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Question regarding "using externally supplied IIIF manifest" #29

Closed markpbaggett closed 3 years ago

markpbaggett commented 3 years ago


In your README, it suggests that you can load externally hosted presentation API manifests by setting the alternative manifest to a specific field like dcterms:hasFormat. I've done this, but something unexpected is happening.

To be specific, in Universal Viewer settings I've set the Manifest property to Dublin Core : Has Format.

I've then added an item with the following metadata:

Title: Test Has Format: https://damsssl.llgc.org.uk/iiif/2.0/4389767/manifest.json

Then, in a page, I've added a Universal Viewer block with an attachment to my Test item above.

When I view the page, Universal Viewer displays, but the canvases don't. That's because it's loading this manifest:


which loads this JSON:

    "@context": ["http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2/context.json", "http://wellcomelibrary.org/ld/ixif/0/context.json"],
    "@id": "https://tennessee.omeka.net/iiif/8/manifest",
    "@type": "sc:Manifest",
    "label": "Test",
    "license": "http://www.example.org/license.html",
    "attribution": "Provided by Example Organization",
    "related": {
        "@id": "https://tennessee.omeka.net/s/sample/item/8",
        "format": "text/html"
    "seeAlso": {
        "@id": "https://tennessee.omeka.net/api/items/8",
        "format": "application/ld+json"
    "metadata": [{
        "label": "Title",
        "value": "Test"
    }, {
        "label": "Has Format",
        "value": "https://damsssl.llgc.org.uk/iiif/2.0/4389767/manifest.json"
    "sequences": [{
        "@id": "https://tennessee.omeka.net/iiif/8/sequence/normal",
        "@type": "sc:Sequence",
        "label": "Unsupported extension. This manifest is being used as a wrapper for non-IIIF content (e.g., audio, video) and is unfortunately incompatible with IIIF viewers.",
        "compatibilityHint": "displayIfContentUnsupported",
        "canvases": [{
            "@id": "/iiif/ixif-message/canvas/c1",
            "@type": "sc:Canvas",
            "label": "Placeholder image",
            "thumbnail": "/modules/IiifServer/asset/img/thumbnails/placeholder-image.png?v=3.5.16",
            "width": 200,
            "height": 200,
            "images": [{
                "@id": "/iiif/ixif-message/imageanno/placeholder",
                "@type": "oa:Annotation",
                "motivation": "sc:painting",
                "resource": {
                    "@id": "/iiif/ixif-message-0/res/placeholder",
                    "@type": "dctypes:Image",
                    "width": 200,
                    "height": 200
                "on": "/iiif/ixif-message/canvas/c1"

The metadata section with the Has Format key is pointing at the IIIF manifest I want to load in the viewer, but it's not loading the actual IIIF object that I want from that manifest. Have I misinterpreted how to add an object from an externally hosted IIIF presentation manifest?

Apologies if this question is a "dumb question." I'm brand new to Omeka and Omeka-S and trying to wrap my head around how we can use Omeka to tell stories using images from our external IIIF image server.

Daniel-KM commented 3 years ago

It should be fixed in version for Omeka 3.