Daniel-KM / Omeka-plugin-UniversalViewer

Plugin for Omeka that adds the IIIF specifications in order to act like an IIPImage server, and the UniversalViewer, a unified online player for any file. It can display books, images, maps, audio, movies, pdf, 3D views, and anything else as long as the appropriate extensions are installed.
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Left panel closed by default #8

Closed adehner closed 8 years ago

adehner commented 8 years ago

Where can I set the left panel ("contents") to be closed when the viewer is loaded? I have set "leftPanelEnabled": false in config.json, but I see no changes.


Daniel-KM commented 8 years ago


I just check it and I don't find an issue. Do you modify the file in the plugin (plugins/UniversalViewer/views/public/universal-viewer/config.json)or do you copy it in the theme (themes/My_Theme/universal-viewer/config.json)? The most common issue is related to rights of folder and files.


Daniel Berthereau Infodoc & Knowledge management

Daniel-KM commented 8 years ago


Furthermore, the option "leftPanelEnabled" displays or not the panel, but if you want it to be available, the option is modules/contentLeftPanel/panelOpen = false. See http://universalviewer.io/examples to get the json file with the options you want.


Daniel Berthereau Infodoc & Knowledge management

adehner commented 8 years ago

Excellent! Thank you.

adehner commented 8 years ago

The testing link you sent is a useful tool. However making changes to the config.json file in my Omeka installation does not change my viewer at all.

I've tried modifying the following files. But nothing happens. Are these the correct files to modify? views/public/universal-viewer/config.json views/shared/javascripts/uv/lib/uv-seadragon-extension.en-GB.config.json

Daniel-KM commented 8 years ago


Yes, this is the files to change, even if it's better to copy them in the theme. So you have to check rights of files and eventually the script blocker on your browser.


Daniel Berthereau Infodoc & Knowledge management