Daniel-Krzyczkowski / Lost-In-Azure-Cloud-Identity

Tech Mind Factory Identity is a demo project to present how to use identity services available in the Azure cloud.
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Custom policy : remove facebook #1

Open tomadj opened 3 years ago

tomadj commented 3 years ago

Hello Daniel,

I created a custom policy using your files (tmf-identity-ad-b2c/custom-policies). Like you, I want use AAD B2C LocalAccount and AAD provider (Work account).

And it works very well !

However, I'm trying to delete facebook provider but without success !
I did lots of tests (remove facebook references from TrustFrameworkBase.xml and/or TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml ) but there are always errors during upload SignUpOrSignin.xml or ProfileEdit.xml.

Many people try but with no solution.

I was wondering if you too could try to delete facebook and tell me if you can do it ?

thank you


Daniel-Krzyczkowski commented 3 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Just to clarify, you want to handle only local accounts, correct? Then you can just download local accounts custom policies from the starter pack: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-b2c-custom-policy-starterpack/tree/master/LocalAccounts

tomadj commented 3 years ago

Hi Daniel,

No that would be too simple ^^

I want to delete facebook BUT KEEP the federation between Azure AD B2C and Azure AD ( so that employees can connect with their work account)

Daniel-Krzyczkowski commented 3 years ago

Hi Thomas,

Got it. I will try to check it but I do not want to lie that I have busy time now. I will let you know once I have something!

michiproep commented 2 years ago

I guess this is the most wanted and most searched for issue: Having localAccounts + one or more federated AAD (instead of facebook). The errors with alternativeSecurityId which arise if you exclude facebook just driving me nuts.

filipdevelter commented 1 year ago

Apparently nobody is willing to fix this, although being such a trivial question/thing. I can understand they want to keep fb in as an example however having it so intertwined, that it makes it impossible to remove when you just want to use federation between Azure AD B2C and Azure AD is a mystery to me.