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Kill command needs to identify friends and not fire. #16

Closed Daniel-Martinez closed 10 years ago

Daniel-Martinez commented 10 years ago

Create a method that will iterate through the target list and only fire on targets that are enemies.

Daniel-Martinez commented 10 years ago

Created a method that checks the bool isFriend flag and displays a message that they are friendly and does not fire at them.

 case "kill":

                        if (enteredValue.Length > 0)                        //if caller has entered a name to search 
                            for (int i = 0; i < statusList.Count; i++)      //iterate through our TargetList to search for target name if enteredValue is entered.
                                if (enteredValue == statusList[i].Name)     //if the given name is on our targetList 
                                    if (statusList[i].isFriend == true)     //if he is a friend dont shoot and display message
                                        Console.Write("Sorry Captain, we don't permit friendly fire, yar!\n");
                                    else if (statusList[i].Status == "Dead")
                                        Console.Write("Captain, this bloak is already looking dead to me! Nasty luck mate.\n");

                                    else                                    //ortherwise he is an enemy fire on coordinates

                                        Console.Write("\nenemy sighted, preparing to fire\n");
                                        Poseidon.command_reset();               //set missle launcher to firing position

                                        double tempX = targetList[i].X;
                                        double tempY = targetList[i].Y;
                                        double tempZ = targetList[i].Z;
                                        double radius = 0;

                                        radius = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tempX, 2) + Math.Pow(tempY, 2) + Math.Pow(tempZ, 2));  //cartetion product

                                        theta = (180 / Math.PI) * (Math.Acos(tempZ / radius));       //calculating theta which is our up/down
                                        phi = (180 / Math.PI) * (Math.Atan(tempY / tempX));          //calculateing phi which is left/right

                                        if (tempZ == 0)
                                            theta = 0;

                                        int t = Convert.ToInt32(phi);           //converts to int because our missleLauncher only understands integers, ### WE NEED TO ASK ABOUT THIS+
                                        int t2 = Convert.ToInt32(theta);

                                        if (phi < 0)                            //if entered value is less that zero it is a negative number and will move left.
                                            int positive = Math.Abs(t);         //must take absolute value of number to enter into moveLeft function

                                            Poseidon.command_Left(positive);    //missle launcher moves left by amount entered

                                            Poseidon.command_Right(t);          //if entered value is positive then we move right by amount entered

                                        if (theta < 0)
                                            int positive = Math.Abs(t2);




                                        for (i = 0; i < targetList.Count; i++)      //iterate through our TargetList to search for target name if enteredValue is entered.
                                            if (statusList[i].Name == enteredValue)
                                                statusList[i].Status = "Dead";

