Daniel-Mietchen / events

Materials related to events I might attend, and to talks I am giving
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Nov 30-Dec 2 2016, Palm Springs: TEDMED 2016 #51

Closed Daniel-Mietchen closed 7 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 7 years ago


Daniel-Mietchen commented 7 years ago

SESSION 1: Invisible Threats

Mona Hanna-Attisha: What if the government did an optimal job of safeguarding child health?

Jeremy Farrar: What if the world was ready for the next deadly pandemic?

Emtithal "Emi" Mahmoud: What if we could speak the unspeakable?

Bruce Schneier: What if our health data could be both more accessible and more secure?

Richard Kogan: What if musical exposure could transform psychopathology into radiant mental health?

Sue Klebold: What if parents were better at detecting their children’s departure from brain health?

Thomas Leveritt (no talk; just video)

Gunhild Stordalen: What if there are powerful but hidden connections between food, health, and climate?

Susie Baldwin: What if health professionals are positioned to provide life-changing support to trafficked people, but don’t know it?

Carolyn Jones: What if we could see the beauty of invisible populations?

SESSION 2: Audacious

(Startup session) Segment: TREMENDOUSLY TINY

Carole Ho, Denali Therapeutics: What if we could identify who would respond to a new medicine before starting treatment?

Nick Conley, EpiBiome: What if humanity embraced bacteria as agents of health and survival rather than agents of disease?

Ricky Solorzano, BioBots, Inc.: What if every scientist had a simple way to create complex, living tissue?

Laura Indolfi, PanTher Therapeutics: What if drugs could be delivered only where they are needed?

Ben Hwang, Profusa, Inc.: What if we can design and control our physical well being?

David Lucchino, Frequency Therapeutics, Inc.: What if our body’s dormant stem cells could be activated to fight disease?

Rajaie Batniji, Collective Health: What if we could redesign the healthcare experience from scratch?

Mark Zhang, Cake: What if we embraced end-of-life as a part of life?

Sandy Jen, Honor: What if non-medical caregivers reduced the cost of healthcare and lead to real reform?

Anna Thomas, Hale Health: What if patients and providers could communicate with each other as easily as they do with friends and family?

Christian Braemer, Benefunder: What if we invested in research the same way we do in the stock market?

Nathaniel David, UNITY Biotechnology: What if we could eradicate the health problems that define old age?

Sam Maher, playing the handpan

Griffin Myers, Oak Street Health: What if we only paid for healthcare that worked?

Chase Adam, Watsi: What if you could help provide healthcare for every person in the world?

Meghan Coakley, NIH 3D Print Exchange: What if we could bring abstract scientific concepts into the physical, tangible world?

Kevin Tyan, Kinnos: What if we could highlight invisible threats for our lifesavers?

Jake Porway, DataKind: What if all social changemakers took advantage of big data the way big companies do?

Lawrence "Rusty" Hofmann, Grand Rounds: What if the best physicians in the world were accessible to anyone in the world, from anywhere?

Tanzeem Choudhury, HealthRhythms: What if tracking mental health were as easy as tracking steps?

Andrew A. Radin, twoXAR: What if new medications could be found in minutes instead of years?

Megan Klimen, 3Scan: What if computers could map tissue the way they sequence genes?

Jennifer Schneider, Livongo: What if individuals with chronic disease were empowered to live the life they want?

Hannah Bayer, Kavli HUMAN Project: What if we could quantify the entirety of the human condition?

SESSION 3: New Models

Sharon Terry, What if people spearheaded research into their conditions?

Charles Chiu, What if next generation sequencing could help us diagnose mysterious infectious illnesses?

Video on animal courtship, performed by human dancers

Jay Walker

Kaitlyn Hova: What if you could hear color or taste sound?

Kafui Dzirasa: What if we diagnosed and treated mental illness as a brain electrical circuit malfunction?

Lloyd Pendleton: What if we could eliminate homelessness nationwide?

Sheila Nirenberg: What if robots could process visual information the way humans do?

SESSION 6: Social + Science

David Casarett: What if mainstream healthcare operated more like a medical marijuana dispensary?

Alia Crum: What if our mindset determines our health outcomes?

David R. Williams: What if the factors that cause some Americans to be sicker than others were as well understood as the genetic risk of disease?

Johannes Haushofer: What if we could treat the psychological consequences of poverty?

Kristin Neidlinger: What if wearables could reflect our innermost emotions?

Ketki Karanam: What if we could harness the personalized therapeutic effects of music?