Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

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Add more stats to Scholia main page #1022

Closed Daniel-Mietchen closed 4 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

It would be useful to have more stats on the Scholia homepage,and the following query (from here) provided that in principle but caused problems with the embeds, since it had too many characters:

SELECT ?count ?description
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] ?p [] . }
} AS %triples
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { ?property a wikibase:Property.  }
} AS %properties
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P50 []. }
} AS %authors
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P69 [] . }
} AS %almamater
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P108 [] . }
} AS %employer
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P166 [] . }
} AS %award_received
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P212 [] . }
} AS %isbn13
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P225 []. }
} AS %taxa
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P234 []. }
} AS %inchi
  SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?serials) AS ?count) WHERE { ?serials wdt:P236 [] . }
} AS %issn
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P356 []. }
} AS %dois
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P496 []. }
} AS %orcids
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P625 []. }
} AS %geoloc
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P638 [] . }
} AS %pdb
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P686 [] . }
} AS %gene
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P698 []. }
} AS %pmids
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P699 [] . }
} AS %disease
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P859 [] . }
} AS %sponsor
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P818 [] . }
} AS %arxivID
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P921 []. }
} AS %topics
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P932 []. }
} AS %pmcids
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P1416 [] . }
} AS %affiliation
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P2093 []. }
} AS %authorstrings
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P2427 [] . }
  SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { [] wdt:P2860 [] . }
} AS %cites
    INCLUDE %triples
    BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %properties
    BIND("Total number of properties" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %pmids
    BIND("Items with a PubMed ID" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %pmcids
    BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %dois
    BIND("Items with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %cites
    BIND("Citations" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %authors
    BIND("Links from items about works to items about their authors" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %authorstrings
    BIND("Author name strings on items about works" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %orcids
    BIND("Items about authors with an ORCID profile that has public content" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %taxa
    BIND("Items with a taxon name" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %geoloc
    BIND("Items with a geolocation" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %topics
    BIND("Links from items about works to items about their main subjects" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %inchi
    BIND("Items with an International Chemical Identifier (InChI)" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %isbn13
    BIND("Items with a 13-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN 13)" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %award_received
    BIND("Links from items about people or others to an award they have received" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %affiliation
    BIND("Links from items about people to items about groups they are affiliated with" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %employer
    BIND("Links from items about people to items about their employer" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %almamater
    BIND("Links from items about people to items about the educational establishments they attended" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %issn
    BIND("Items with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %arxivID
    BIND("Items with an arxivID" AS ?description)
    BIND("Items about institutions with an identifier from the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID ID)" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %sponsor
    BIND("Links from items about anything to items about corresponding sponsors" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %disease
    BIND("Items indexed in the Disease Ontology" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %gene
    BIND("Items indexed in the Gene Ontology" AS ?description)
    INCLUDE %pdb
    BIND("Protein structures indexed in the Protein Data Bank" AS ?description)

The longest URL that worked for me is this one (or http://tinyurl.com/ycbxjzdz for short), which has 2532 characters in the actual query, as compared to 4867 in the query above.

There are several ways to address this:

Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Here is a version that has 2524 characters for the query itself and works fine in embeds:

SELECT ?count ?description
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] ?p []}} AS %triples
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []}} AS %authors
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []}} AS %almamater
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []}} AS %employer
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []}} AS %awards
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []}} AS %isbn13
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []}} AS %taxa
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []}} AS %dois
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []}} AS %orcids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []}} AS %geoloc
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []}} AS %pmids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []}} AS %topics
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []}} AS %pmcids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []}} AS %authorstrings
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []}} AS %cites
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []}} AS %sponsor

{INCLUDE %triples BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %pmids BIND("Items with a PubMed ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %pmcids BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %dois BIND("Items with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %cites BIND("Citations" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %authors BIND("Links from items about works to items about their authors" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %authorstrings BIND("Author name strings on items about works" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %orcids BIND("Items about authors with an ORCID profile that has public content" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %taxa BIND("Items with a taxon name" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %geoloc BIND("Items with a geolocation" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %topics BIND("Links from items about works to items about their main subjects" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %isbn13 BIND("Items with a 13-digit International Standard Book Number (ISBN 13)" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %awards BIND("Links from items about people or others to an award they have received" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %employer BIND("Links from items about people to items about their employer" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %almamater BIND("Links from items about people to items about the educational establishments they attended" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %sponsor BIND("Links from items about anything to items about corresponding sponsors" AS ?d)}
BIND (?c AS ?count)
BIND (?d AS ?description)
Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Here is another version that also has the number of properties and still works:

SELECT ?count ?description
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o}} AS %trip
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?p a wikibase:Property}} AS %prop
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []}} AS %auth
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []}} AS %alma
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []}} AS %employer
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []}} AS %awards
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []}} AS %isbn13
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []}} AS %taxa
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []}} AS %dois
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []}} AS %orcids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []}} AS %geo
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []}} AS %pmids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []}} AS %topics
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []}} AS %pmcids
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []}} AS %au_strg
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []}} AS %cites
WITH {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []}} AS %sponsor
{INCLUDE %trip BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %prop BIND("Total number of properties" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %pmids BIND("Items with a PubMed ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %pmcids BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %dois BIND("Items with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %cites BIND("Citations" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %auth BIND("Links from items about works to items about their authors" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %au_strg BIND("Author name strings on items about works" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %orcids BIND("Items about authors with an ORCID profile" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %taxa BIND("Items with a taxon name" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %geo BIND("Items with a geolocation" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %topics BIND("Links from items about works to items about their main subjects" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %isbn13 BIND("13-digit International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN 13)" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %awards BIND("Links from items about people or others to an award they have received" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %employer BIND("Links from items about people to items about their employer" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %alma BIND("Links from items about people to items about the educational establishments they attended" AS ?d)} UNION
{INCLUDE %sponsor BIND("Links from items about anything to items about corresponding sponsors" AS ?d)}
BIND (?c AS ?count)
BIND (?d AS ?description)

It actually has 2581 characters in the query proper but fewer special ones, which means fewer characters for URL encoding. The total length of the query URL is then 4275, and the embed URL (short version is http://tinyurl.com/y7ywvq8z) has 4027 characters%20WHERE%20%7B%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo%7D%7D%20AS%20%25trip%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%3Fp%20a%20wikibase%3AProperty%7D%7D%20AS%20%25prop%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP50%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25auth%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP69%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25alma%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP108%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25employer%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP166%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25awards%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP212%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25isbn13%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP225%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25taxa%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP356%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25dois%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP496%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25orcids%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP625%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25geo%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP698%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25pmids%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP921%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25topics%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP932%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25pmcids%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP2093%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25au_strg%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP2860%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25cites%0AWITH%20%7BSELECT%20(COUNT()%20AS%20%3Fc)%20WHERE%20%7B%5B%5D%20wdt%3AP859%20%5B%5D%7D%7D%20AS%20%25sponsor%0AWHERE%20%7B%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25trip%20BIND(%22Total%20number%20of%20triples%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25prop%20BIND(%22Total%20number%20of%20properties%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25pmids%20BIND(%22Items%20with%20a%20PubMed%20ID%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25pmcids%20BIND(%22Items%20with%20a%20PubMed%20Central%20ID%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25dois%20BIND(%22Items%20with%20a%20Digital%20Object%20Identifier%20(DOI)%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25cites%20BIND(%22Citations%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25auth%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20works%20to%20items%20about%20their%20authors%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25au_strg%20BIND(%22Author%20name%20strings%20on%20items%20about%20works%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25orcids%20BIND(%22Items%20about%20authors%20with%20an%20ORCID%20profile%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25taxa%20BIND(%22Items%20with%20a%20taxon%20name%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25geo%20BIND(%22Items%20with%20a%20geolocation%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25topics%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20works%20to%20items%20about%20their%20main%20subjects%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25isbn13%20BIND(%2213-digit%20International%20Standard%20Book%20Numbers%20(ISBN%2013)%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25awards%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20people%20or%20others%20to%20an%20award%20they%20have%20received%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25employer%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20people%20to%20items%20about%20their%20employer%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25alma%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20people%20to%20items%20about%20the%20educational%20establishments%20they%20attended%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%20UNION%0A%7BINCLUDE%20%25sponsor%20BIND(%22Links%20from%20items%20about%20anything%20to%20items%20about%20corresponding%20sponsors%22%20AS%20%3Fd)%7D%0ABIND%20(%3Fc%20AS%20%3Fcount)%0ABIND%20(%3Fd%20AS%20%3Fdescription)%0A%7D%0AORDER%20BY%20DESC(%3Fc)).

Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Here is another version that may well be compact enough to provide space to include all the remaining properties that were included in the original query of this ticket:

SELECT ?count ?description
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o}} BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?p a wikibase:Property}} BIND("Total number of properties" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []}} BIND("Links from items about works to items about their authors" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []}} BIND("Links from items about people to items about the educational establishments they attended" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []}} BIND("Links from items about people to items about their employer" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []}} BIND("Links from items about people or others to an award they have received" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []}} BIND("Items with a taxon name" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []}} BIND("Items about authors with an ORCID profile" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []}} BIND("Items with a geolocation" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []}} BIND("Items with a PubMed ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []}} BIND("Links from items about anything to items about corresponding sponsors" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []}} BIND("Links from items about works to items about their main subjects" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []}} BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []}} BIND("Items with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []}} BIND("Author name strings on items about works" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []}} BIND("Citations" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []}} BIND("13-digit International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN 13)" AS ?d)} 
BIND (?c AS ?count)
BIND (?d AS ?description)
Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

So here is the full list of all 25 stats from the initial query, and it all still seems to work:

SELECT ?count ?description
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o}} BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?p a wikibase:Property}} BIND("Total number of properties" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []}} BIND("Links from items about works to items about their authors" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []}} BIND("Links from items about people to items about the educational establishments they attended" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []}} BIND("Links from items about people to items about their employer" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []}} BIND("Links from items about people or others to an award they have received" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []}} BIND("13-digit International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN 13)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []}} BIND("Items with a taxon name" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P234 []}} BIND("Items with an International Chemical Identifier (InChI)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P236 []}} BIND("Items with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []}} BIND("Items about authors with an ORCID profile" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []}} BIND("Items with a geolocation" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P638 []}} BIND("Protein structures indexed in the Protein Data Bank" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P686 []}} BIND("Items indexed in the Gene Ontology" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []}} BIND("Items with a PubMed ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P699 []}} BIND("Items indexed in the Disease Ontology" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P818 []}} BIND("Items with an arxivID" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []}} BIND("Links from items about anything to items about corresponding sponsors" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []}} BIND("Links from items about works to items about their main subjects" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []}} BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []}} BIND("Items with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P1416 []}} BIND("Links from items about people to items about groups they are affiliated with" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []}} BIND("Author name strings on items about works" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2427 []}} BIND("Items about institutions with an identifier from the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID ID)" AS ?d)} UNION
{{SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []}} BIND("Citations" AS ?d)} 
BIND (?c AS ?count)
BIND (?d AS ?description)
Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Here is some background info on past and current limits to URL lengths in different browsers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/417142/what-is-the-maximum-length-of-a-url-in-different-browsers .

Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Also worth adding the count of scholarly articles:

SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814. }
Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Background on the above: https://twitter.com/LucasWerkmeistr/status/1066768803353239557

Daniel-Mietchen commented 5 years ago

Just got

<h1>Bad Message 431</h1><pre>reason: Request Header Fields Too Large</pre>

in response to a complex query that resulted in a long URL. Background on HTTP 431: https://httpstatuses.com/431 .

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

I have this query working now:

SELECT ?count ?description
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?s ?p ?o} } BIND("Total number of triples" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {?p a wikibase:Property} } BIND("Total number of properties" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P50 []} } BIND("Links from works to authors" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P69 []} } BIND("Links from people to where they were educated" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P108 []} } BIND("Links from people to employers" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P166 []} } BIND("Links from people to awards" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P212 []} } BIND("ISBN 13 book numbers" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P225 []} } BIND("Taxon names" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P234 []} } BIND("InChI keys" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P236 []} } BIND("ISSNs" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P496 []} } BIND("ORCIDs" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P625 []} } BIND("Geolocations" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P638 []} } BIND("Protein Data Bank IDs" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P686 []} } BIND("Gene Ontology IDs" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P698 []} } BIND("PubMed ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P818 []} } BIND("arXiv IDs" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P859 []} } BIND("Links to sponsors" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P921 []} } BIND("Links from works to their main subjects" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P932 []} } BIND("Items with a PubMed Central ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P356 []} } BIND("Items with a DOI" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P1416 []} } BIND("Links from people to their affiliations" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2093 []} } BIND("Author name strings" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2427 []} } BIND("Items with a GRID ID" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P2860 []} } BIND("Citations" AS ?d)} UNION
{ {SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?c) WHERE {[] wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814.} } BIND("Scholarly articles" AS ?d)}
BIND (?c AS ?count)
BIND (?d AS ?description)

It has a space between the paired parentheses because without that, I got a syntax error in Python (not from WDQS).