Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

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Prepare slide for 3-min lightning talk on decarbonization #1266

Closed Daniel-Mietchen closed 4 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

This relates to the Climate Restoration Workshop, as per https://github.com/Daniel-Mietchen/events/issues/640 .

From the email of the organizers:

During this event we would like you to give a 3 minute flash talk on your work, as it relates to decarbonizing the environment. We ask that you provide 1 (2 max) slides for us to show during your remarks. Time limits will be very strictly kept, since we have limited time for this session. The intention of the flash talk session is to create some awareness among attendees (expected to be around 60 people), about UVA's various strengths and possible avenues for future research. We expect a diverse set of skills and interests to be highlighted. with 15 flash talks in all.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

They only accept one slide (max 2) per lightning talk, and only as PPT or PDF, accompanied by a title and a one-sentence summary.

I am not sure yet what best to put there but something like "Open Knowledge for Climate Restauration" seems like a good starting point to frame my contribution.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

One way to structure the slide would be to cut it into four quadrants for something like research/ teaching/ service/ volunteering and then listing my climate-related activities for each.

I just started a Google Slide for further exploration.

In any case, I plan to provide an online version (via DOI and/ or QR code), similar to this poster I made for Bridging Science, Art, and Community in the New Arctic:

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

The form for submission: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x4A0ewc3c0iLd-IWczplrAmzSr9m6yhJrNFlhJqvp09UQ0ozSFJJQ1k0WENDUlpWSzdKQlZZSjJHVS4u

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

I invited feedback on the draft slide(s): https://twitter.com/EvoMRI/status/1214063259088764928 .

Daniel-Mietchen commented 4 years ago

Slides posted https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3610757 and tweeted https://twitter.com/EvoMRI/status/1218059741714354176 .