family and close friends, for which I will probably not leave much of a public trace, at least initially
friends, colleagues and acquaintances, i.e. people with whom I have had some interactions that I remember — for some of them, I might post something in public
people I only know indirectly but who have influenced me in some way (e.g. through their scientific or artistic work)
I am writing this while listening to music by Ennio Morricone, who died earlier today, and curating his Wikidata entry. I have seen very few of the hundreds of movies he was involved in, but I am familiar with dozens of music pieces he wrote or otherwise helped create. Some of these indirect interactions with him go back decades.
Probably need to distinguish between
I am writing this while listening to music by Ennio Morricone, who died earlier today, and curating his Wikidata entry. I have seen very few of the hundreds of movies he was involved in, but I am familiar with dozens of music pieces he wrote or otherwise helped create. Some of these indirect interactions with him go back decades.