Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

A dumping ground for halfbaked ideas, some of which will hopefully be worked on soon
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Look into Papermill #1311

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 3 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 3 years ago

as per https://github.com/nteract/papermill .

Could be an interesting option for Scholia.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 3 years ago

See also https://github.com/vatlab/sos-papermill and https://papermill.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ and last part of notes from Day 69 of 100DaysOfJupyter.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 3 years ago

Here is a blog post about Jupytext (cf. https://github.com/Daniel-Mietchen/ideas/issues/1386 ) and Papermill.