Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

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Look into off-setting my carbon emissions #1506

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 2 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

I had been thinking about this for years but never done anything about it except for occasional carbon offsets of some of my flights.

This ticket now is directly inspired by Jan's

While he intends to do it for his past footprint, I am considering to do it for my past and future footprint, as well as those of my family. Irrespective of how far I get with that, I will continue to engage in communicating sustainability-related matters.

I thus looked into the United Nations online platform for voluntary cancellation of certified emission reductions (CERs) that he had identified as suitable, explored some of the projects they have, and registered.

By way of a testimony there by

Sarah Sutton
Sustainable Museums

I learned about Sustainable Museums, whose website I also checked out as well as a thematically related post 17 sustainable museums from around the world.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

Via the project https://offset.climateneutralnow.org/gangwon-wind-park-project , I got to https://cdm.unfccc.int/Projects/DB/KEMCO1135749345.69/view , which does not only have rich information about the project but

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

Here is another take on it:

  • If you eliminated 100% of your emissions for the rest of your life, you would save one second's worth of emissions from the global energy sector.
Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

Here is another reframing:

Think of your climate shadow as a dark shape stretching out behind you. Everywhere you go, it goes too, tallying not just your air conditioning use and the gas mileage of your car, but also how you vote, how many children you choose to have, where you work, how you invest your money, how much you talk about climate change, and whether your words amplify urgency, apathy, or denial. .. I visualize my climate shadow being made of three parts: my consumption, my choices, and my attention. My consumption would incorporate my lifestyle expectations, like running the air conditioner all summer or desiring two-day shipping when I shop online, as well as my participation in consumer culture (posting about new purchases on Instagram, spending money that goes toward a company or supply chain that is sustainable long-term) and, yes, my carbon footprint. My choices would include how I donate and invest my money, the number of children and pets I have, and what kind of company I work for and the kind of work I do for them. My attention is probably the most nebulous, yet perhaps the most important: How much of my attention is focused on the climate crisis? How many hours am I devoting to climate action? Is it at least as much as I spend watching Netflix, planning my next vacation, or taking a barre class?

Daniel-Mietchen commented 1 year ago

This report takes a close look at carbon offsetting options, finding loads of problems: https://www.source-material.org/vercompanies-carbon-offsetting-claims-inflated-methodologies-flawed/ .