Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

A dumping ground for halfbaked ideas, some of which will hopefully be worked on soon
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Propose session(s) for Flash Forward 2022 (21-25 February 2022) #1697

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 2 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

As per https://ffwd.flashgrants.org/ .

Overview of my sessions from last year (taken from here)

lubianat commented 2 years ago

Count me in if you want help in something related to that.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

@lubianat Perhaps we should finally take some time to talk about all the different ways in which our respective activities overlap. An immediate outcome could be coordinated submissions to this event, which seems like a good starting point for further activities.

lubianat commented 2 years ago

@Daniel-Mietchen Agreed! f you have any suggestions, just let me know.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 2 years ago

I just proposed an event for 2022-02-22 at 9pm CET, i.e. 20:00 UTC,

Title: Integrating Wikidata into open science workflows Description: Wikidata is a database that anyone can edit and that forms a key component of the semantic web. In this session, we will explore how it intersects with open science workflows from the perspectives of community, content and infrastructure. Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/FlashForward-2022-Wikidata-Open-Science

Screenshot 2022-02-21 at 01-03-03 flashforward

Screenshot from 2022-02-21 01-05-02