Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

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Look into MapSwipe #450

Closed Daniel-Mietchen closed 6 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Came up multiple times at the HOT Summit (cf. https://github.com/Daniel-Mietchen/events/issues/71 ):

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

See also https://twitter.com/hotosm/status/909589095709659136 .

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

More from Twitter:

Now would be the time, we have a window of hours before landslide identification starts and the exposure data is key.

OK, installing it now.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

In the first tweet listed above, they speak of 60s onboarding. I am always skeptical of such marketing-y speech, so I kept track of how much time it took me: after registering, a link to a tutorial appears, which I clicked. It is a blog post explaining background info, not really a tutorial in the sense that it lets you do stuff and explains the background for what you did and why. Anyway, reading that took about 4 min, but by then, I still had zero experience doing stuff.

The real instructions came only later when I navigated back from the tutorial to "start mapping", where the three key actions were outlined:

No mention of where to get help or how to correct an action.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Upon pressing "start" — still with an uneasy feeling of incompetence — there comes something closer to a real tutorial - an actual setting of six map tiles to tap on to indicate the presence of buildings.

Playing around with that also answered the questions above as to

That page also has a "Start mapping" text, which I have interpreted as a link, but it didn't react on tapping. So I went for swiping instead, which brought me to the next screen.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

On that next screen, there was another set of six tiles, and after tapping through them, I swiped to the next one and so forth.


Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Ok, next round.

The help screen comes up again - probably not a bad idea but would be nice to be able to switch that off in the preferences.

Some screens did not have six tiles (e.g. just one), which was irritating - I was on a weak WiFi and initially thought this may be a connectivity issue, but after nothing changed for quite a while, I just swiped to the next screen, where six tiles loaded fine. It would be useful to either mark the "missing" tiles as "intentionally left black" or so, or — and perhaps even better — not to have such unused tiles, and to always load screens with six tiles instead, even if that means reinserting a tile that was already assessed earlier, or by someone else (I assume most or all tiles are assessed by multiple — perhaps around 2 or 3 — users anyway for quality control reasons).

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

In the third round, I had many cloudy images that I marked as "bad imagery" but if I saw buildings in there, it would have been useful to indicate that already.

Another missing feature: I have no way to see how the mapping in Guadeloupe is proceeding, I don't see which areas of the islands I have swiped and tapped through, and I don't know how my data compares to experienced users, newbies or automated classifications of the same tiles.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Some more observations from the following rounds:

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

I'm stopping here, as I now have a first understanding of MapSwipe and still lots of other things to process from the HOT Summit and to prepare for RDA.

I took some screenshot during my testing, in case that is relevant for follow-up.