The latter page has a "Supports the following statement(s)" section at the bottom, which is a new article-level metric much closer to real impact than currently popular ones. We could try to encourage authors to summarize some key outcomes of their research in such Wikidata statements.
One necessity for making this happen would be to have a public-facing tool that allows to easily add triples to Wikidata, for which I have just started #765.
One direction I am thinking in is towards integrating the content of publications with Wikidata, which has grown to a knowledge base with over 35 million concepts, including many biomedical ones, and papers about them. For an overview, see or or or .
The latter page has a "Supports the following statement(s)" section at the bottom, which is a new article-level metric much closer to real impact than currently popular ones. We could try to encourage authors to summarize some key outcomes of their research in such Wikidata statements.