Daniel-Mietchen / ideas

A dumping ground for halfbaked ideas, some of which will hopefully be worked on soon
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Ideas for OpenCon doathon #575

Open Daniel-Mietchen opened 6 years ago

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago
Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Learning moments

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

disambiguation sprint

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Slide annotation

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Technical specs/ developmental roadmap for Scholia.

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

open science song

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Describing datasets, as per Coding da Vinci

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Getting retraction info into Wikidata, e.g. as per https://twitter.com/neilfws/status/929654849402056705 .

Daniel-Mietchen commented 6 years ago

Mapping SDGs versus opencon topics