Daniel12321 / NPCs

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Cant properly remove npcs #32

Open Nesroht opened 7 years ago

Nesroht commented 7 years ago

On using /npc remove the npc just stays there. still shows up in /npc list. the file for it is gone though. I have to manually kill the entity to get rid of it. Has some issues with overlapping npc ids aswell.

minecraft 1.10.2 spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2422 NPCs-2.0.2-API5

Nesroht commented 7 years ago

on further testing it seems like /npc list just doesnt keep updated with what changes you make at all, it seems to think the npcs listed in /npc list and the actual entities in the world are different. shift + right clicked an npc in the world, moved to a different place, did /npc move. then did /npc list, selected the npc i just moved, then clicked mount. was put where the npc was before i moved it. ill attach a picture of /npc list and the npc i selected stating different coordinates.

incorrect location

Daniel12321 commented 7 years ago

I found the reason for this. Will be improved in a few days

ResqDiver1317 commented 6 years ago

@Nesroht If you don't mind me asking, how do you manually kill one? We have a few in our world that we cannot remove by proper methods. (among other things, we use them as "realtors" to show where empty plots in town are available for players to use and now I have a little Jail Cell new out town hall with 3 or 4 in there because they won't remove.

Nesroht commented 6 years ago

Use the kill command to kill all entities in a radius, it'll kill you and the npcs

ResqDiver1317 commented 6 years ago

Just wondering if there was any word on an update to solve this issue?

GuusLieben commented 6 years ago

@Daniel12321 any updates on this for API5.2.0 on 1.10.2? There hasn't been a release since June 23rd 2017, seeing there are several commits it's not like there isn't any work being done..