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Scheduled monthly dependency update for November #172

Closed pyup-bot closed 3 years ago

pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Update bokeh from 2.1.1 to 2.2.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/bokeh - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/bokeh/ - Repo: http://github.com/bokeh/bokeh

Update numpy from 1.19.0 to 1.19.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/numpy - Homepage: https://www.numpy.org

Update tornado from 6.0.4 to 6.1.

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/tornado - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/tornado/ - Homepage: http://www.tornadoweb.org/

Update pandas from 1.0.5 to 1.1.4.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pandas - Homepage: https://pandas.pydata.org

Update scipy from 1.5.0 to 1.5.3.

Changelog ### 1.5.2 ``` compared to `1.5.1`. Authors ===== * Peter Bell * Tobias Biester + * Evgeni Burovski * Thomas A Caswell * Ralf Gommers * Sturla Molden * Andrew Nelson * ofirr + * Sambit Panda * Ilhan Polat * Tyler Reddy * Atsushi Sakai * Pauli Virtanen A total of 13 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete. ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` compared to `1.5.0`. In particular, an issue where DLL loading can fail for SciPy wheels on Windows with Python `3.6` has been fixed. Authors ======= * Peter Bell * Loïc Estève * Philipp Thölke + * Tyler Reddy * Paul van Mulbregt * Pauli Virtanen * Warren Weckesser A total of 7 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. This list of names is automatically generated, and may not be fully complete. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/scipy - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/scipy/ - Repo: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/releases - Homepage: https://www.scipy.org

Update astropy from 4.0.1.post1 to 4.1.

Changelog ### 4.1 ``` ================ New Features ------------ astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add new function ``generate_config`` to generate the configuration file and include it in the documentation. [10148] - ``ConfigNamespace.__iter__`` and ``ConfigNamespace.keys`` now yield ``ConfigItem`` names defined within it. Similarly, ``items`` and ``values`` would yield like a Python dictionary would. [10139] astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added a new ``SpectralCoord`` class that can be used to define spectral coordinates and transform them between different velocity frames. [10185] - Angle parsing now supports ``cardinal direction`` in the cases where angles are initialized as ``string`` instances. eg ``"17°53'27"W"``.[9859] - Allow in-place modification of array-valued ``Frame`` and ``SkyCoord`` objects. This provides limited support for updating coordinate data values from another coordinate object of the same class and equivalent frame attributes. [9857] - Added a robust equality operator for comparing ``SkyCoord``, frame, and representation objects. A comparison like ``sc1 == sc2`` will now return a boolean or boolean array where the objects are strictly equal in all relevant frame attributes and coordinate representation values. [10154] - Added the True Equator Mean Equinox (TEME) frame. [10149] - The ``Galactocentric`` frame will now use the "latest" parameter definitions by default. This currently corresponds to the values defined in v4.0, but will change with future releases. [10238] - The ``SkyCoord.from_name()`` and Sesame name resolving functionality now is able to cache results locally and will do so by default. [9162] - Allow in-place modification of array-valued ``Representation`` and ``Differential`` objects, including of representations with attached differentials. [10210] astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Functional Units can now be processed in CDS-tables. [9971] - Allow reading in ASCII tables which have duplicate column names. [9939] - Fixed failure of ASCII ``fast_reader`` to handle ``names``, ``include_names``, ``exclude_names`` arguments for ``RDB`` formatted tables. Homogenised checks and exceptions for invalid ``names`` arguments. Improved performance when parsing "wide" tables with many columns. [10306] - Added type validation of key arguments in calls to ``io.ascii.read()`` and ``io.ascii.write()`` functions. [10005] astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added serialization of parameter constraints fixed and bounds. [10082] - Added 'functional_models.py' and 'physical_models.py' to asdf/tags/transform, with to allow serialization of all functional and physical models. [10028, 10293] - Fix ASDF serialization of circular model inverses, and remove explicit calls to ``asdf.yamlutil`` functions that became unnecessary in asdf 2.6.0. [10189, 10384] astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support for writing Dask arrays to disk efficiently for ``ImageHDU`` and ``PrimaryHDU``. [9742] - Add HDU name and ver to FITSDiff report where appropriate [10197] astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - New ``exceptions.conf.max_warnings`` configuration item to control the number of times a type of warning appears before being suppressed. [10152] - No longer ignore attributes whose values were specified as empty strings. [10583] astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added Plummer1D model to ``functional_models``. [9896] - Added ``UnitsMapping`` model and ``Model.coerce_units`` to support units on otherwise unitless models. [9936] - Added ``domain`` and ``window`` attributes to ``repr`` and ``str``. Fixed bug with ``_format_repr`` in core.py. [9941] - Polynomial attributes ``domain`` and ``window`` are now tuples of size 2 and are validated. `repr` and `print` show only their non-default values. [10145] - Added ``replace_submodel()`` method to ``CompoundModel`` to modify an existing instance. [10176] - Delay construction of ``CompoundModel`` inverse until property is accessed, to support ASDF deserialization of circular inverses in component models. [10384] astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support in the ``bitmask`` module for using mnemonic bit flag names when specifying the bit flags to be used or ignored when converting a bit field to a boolean. [10095, 10208] - Added ``reshape_as_blocks`` function to reshape a data array into blocks, which is useful to efficiently apply functions on block subsets of the data instead of using loops. The reshaped array is a view of the input data array. [10214] - Added a ``cache`` keyword option to allow caching for ``CCDData.read`` if filename is a URL. [10265] astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added ability to specify a custom matching function for table joins. In particular this makes it possible to do cross-match table joins on ``SkyCoord``, ``Quantity``, or standard columns, where column entries within a specified distance are considered to be matched. [10169] - Added ``units`` and ``descriptions`` keyword arguments to the Table object initialization and ``Table.read()`` methods. This allows directly setting the ``unit`` and ``description`` for the table columns at the time of creating or reading the table. [9671] - Make table ``Row`` work as mappings, by adding ``.keys()`` and ``.values()`` methods. With this ``**row`` becomes possible, as does, more simply, turning a ``Row`` into a dictionary with ``dict(row)``. [9712] - Added two new ``Table`` methods ``.items()`` and ``.values()``, which return respectively ``tbl.columns.items()`` (iterator over name, column tuples) and ``tbl.columns.values()`` (list of columns) for a ``Table`` object ``tbl``. [9780] - Added new ``Table`` method ``.round()``, which rounds numeric columns to the specified number of decimals. [9862] - Updated ``to_pandas()`` and ``from_pandas()`` to use and support Pandas nullable integer data type for masked integer data. [9541] - The HDF5 writer, ``write_table_hdf5()``, now allows passing through additional keyword arguments to the ``h5py.Group.create_dataset()``. [9602] - Added capability to add custom table attributes to a ``Table`` subclass. These attributes are persistent and can be set during table creation. [10097] - Added support for ``SkyCoord`` mixin columns in ``dstack``, ``vstack`` and ``insert_row`` functions. [9857] - Added support for coordinate ``Representation`` and ``Differential`` mixin columns. [10210] astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added a new time format ``unix_tai`` which is essentially Unix time but with leap seconds included. More precisely, this is the number of seconds since ``1970-01-01 00:00:08 TAI`` and corresponds to the ``CLOCK_TAI`` clock available on some linux platforms. [10081] - Improve initialization time by a factor of four when creating a scalar ``Time`` object in a format like ``unix`` or ``cxcsec`` (time delta from a reference epoch time). [10406] astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added ``torr`` pressure unit. [9787] - Added the ``equal_nan`` keyword argument to ``isclose`` and ``allclose``, and updated the docstrings. [9849] - Added ``Rankine`` temperature unit. [9916] - Added integrated flux unit conversion to ``spectral_density`` equivalency. [10015] - Changed ``pixel_scale`` equivalency to allow scales defined in any unit. [10123] - The ``quantity_input`` decorator now optionally allows passing through numeric values or numpy arrays with numeric dtypes to arguments where ``dimensionless_unscaled`` is an allowed unit. [10232] astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added a new ``MetaAttribute`` class to support easily adding custom attributes to a subclass of classes like ``Table`` or ``NDData`` that have a ``meta`` attribute. [10097] astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added ``invalid`` keyword to ``SqrtStretch``, ``LogStretch``, ``PowerStretch``, and ``ImageNormalize`` classes and the ``simple_norm`` function. This keyword is used to replace generated NaN values. [10182] - Fixed an issue where ticks were sometimes not drawn at the edges of a spherical projection on a WCSAxes. [10442] astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^ - WCS objects with a spectral axis will now return ``SpectralCoord`` objects when calling ``pixel_to_world`` instead of ``Quantity``, and can now take either ``Quantity`` or ``SpectralCoord`` as input to ``pixel_to_world``. [10185] - Implemented support for the ``-TAB`` algorithm (WCS Paper III). [9641] - Added an ``_as_mpl_axes`` method to the ``HightLevelWCSWrapper`` class. [10138] - Add .upper() to ctype or ctype names to wcsapi/fitwcs.py to mitigate bugs from unintended lower/upper case issues [10557] API Changes ----------- astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The equality operator for comparing ``SkyCoord``, frame, and representation objects was changed. A comparison like ``sc1 == sc2`` was previously equivalent to ``sc1 is sc2``. It will now return a boolean or boolean array where the objects are strictly equal in all relevant frame attributes and coordinate representation values. If the objects have different frame attributes or representation types then an exception will be raised. [10154] - SkyCoord.radial_velocity_correction now allows you to pass an obstime directly when the SkyCoord also has an obstime set. In this situation, the position of the SkyCoord has space motion applied to correct to the passed obstime. This allows mm/s radial velocity precision for objects with large space motion. [10094] - For consistency with other astropy classes, coordinate ``Representations`` and ``Differentials`` can now be initialized with an instance of their own class if that instance is passed in as the first argument. [10210] astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Changed the behavior when reading a table where both the ``names`` argument is provided (to specify the output column names) and the ``converters`` argument is provided (to specify column conversion functions). Previously the ``converters`` dict names referred to the *input* table column names, but now they refer to the *output* table column names. [9739] astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - For FIELDs with datatype="char", store the values as strings instead of bytes. [9505] astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``Table.from_pandas`` now supports a ``units`` dictionary as argument to pass units for columns in the ``DataFrame``. [9472] astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Require that ``in_subfmt`` and ``out_subfmt`` properties of a ``Time`` object have allowed values at the time of being set, either when creating the object or when setting those properties on an existing ``Time`` instance. Previously the validation of those properties was not strictly enforced. [9868] astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Changed the exception raised by ``get_readable_fileobj`` on missing compression modules (for ``bz2`` or ``lzma``/``xz`` support) to ``ModuleNotFoundError``, consistent with ``io.fits`` file handlers. [9761] astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Deprecated the ``imshow_only_kwargs`` keyword in ``imshow_norm``. [9915] - Non-finite input values are now automatically excluded in ``HistEqStretch`` and ``InvertedHistEqStretch``. [10177] - The ``PowerDistStretch`` and ``InvertedPowerDistStretch`` ``a`` value is restricted to be ``a >= 0`` in addition to ``a != 1``. [10177] - The ``PowerStretch``, ``LogStretch``, and ``InvertedLogStretch`` ``a`` value is restricted to be ``a > 0``. [10177] - The ``AsinhStretch`` and ``SinhStretch`` ``a`` value is restricted to be ``0 < a <= 1``. [10177] Bug Fixes --------- astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix a bug where for light deflection by the Sun it was always assumed that the source was at infinite distance, which in the (rare and) absolute worst-case scenario could lead to errors up to 3 arcsec. [10666] astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - For FIELDs with datatype="char", store the values as strings instead of bytes. [9505] astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an issue of ``Model.render`` when the input ``out`` datatype is not float64. [10542] astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix a bug that prevented ``Time`` columns from being used to sort a table. [10824] astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^ - WCS objects with a spectral axis will now return ``SpectralCoord`` objects when calling ``pixel_to_world`` instead of ``Quantity`` (note that ``SpectralCoord`` is a sub-class of ``Quantity``). [10185] - Add .upper() to ctype or ctype names to wcsapi/fitwcs.py to mitigate bugs from unintended lower/upper case issues [10557] - Added bounds to ``fit_wcs_from_points`` to ensure CRPIX is on input image. [10346] Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- - The way in which users can specify whether to build astropy against existing installations of C libraries rather than the bundled one has changed, and should now be done via environment variables rather than setup.py flags (e.g. --use-system-erfa). The available variables are ``ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_CFITSIO``, ``ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_ERFA``, ``ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT``, ``ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_WCSLIB``, and ``ASTROPY_USE_SYSTEM_ALL``. These should be set to ``1`` to build against the system libraries. [9730] - The infrastructure of the package has been updated in line with the APE 17 roadmap (https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/master/APE17.rst). The main changes are that the ``python setup.py test`` and ``python setup.py build_docs`` commands will no longer work. The easiest way to replicate these commands is to install the tox (https://tox.readthedocs.io) package and run ``tox -e test`` and ``tox -e build_docs``. It is also possible to run pytest and sphinx directly. Other significant changes include switching to setuptools_scm to manage the version number, and adding a ``pyproject.toml`` to opt in to isolated builds as described in PEP 517/518. [9726] - Bundled ``expat`` is updated to version 2.2.9. [10038] - Increase minimum asdf version to 2.6.0. [10189] - The bundled version of PLY was updated to 3.11. [10258] - Removed dependency on scikit-image. [10214] - Added ``optimize=True`` flag to calls of ``yacc.yacc`` (as already done for ``lex.lex``) to allow running in ``python -OO`` session without raising an exception in ``astropy.units.format``. [10379] ``` ### 4.0.4 ``` ================== Bug Fixes --------- astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.cosmology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.extern ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Partially fixed a performance issue when reading in parallel mode. Parallel reading currently has substantially worse performance than the default serial reading, so we now ignore the parallel option and fall back to serial reading. [10880] astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.samp ^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix a problem with the ``plot_date`` format for matplotlib >= 3.3 caused by a change in the matplotlib plot date default reference epoch in that release. [10876] astropy.timeseries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.uncertainty ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^ Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- ``` ### 4.0.3 ``` ================== Bug Fixes --------- astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a small bug where initializing an empty ``Column`` with a structured dtype with a length and a shape failed to give the requested dtype. [10819] Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- - Fixed installation of the source distribution with pip<19. [10837, 10852] ``` ### 4.0.2 ``` ================== New Features ------------ astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - ``astropy.utils.data.download_file`` now supports FTPS/FTP over TLS. [9964] - ``astropy.utils.data`` now uses a lock-free mechanism for caching. This new mechanism uses a new cache layout and so ignores caches created using earlier mechanisms (which were causing lockups on clusters). The two cache formats can coexist but do not share any files. [10437] - ``astropy.utils.data`` now ignores the config item ``astropy.utils.data.conf.download_cache_lock_attempts`` since no locking is done. [10437] - ``astropy.utils.data.download_file`` and related functions now interpret the parameter or config file setting ``timeout=0`` to mean they should make no attempt to download files. [10437] - ``astropy.utils.import_file_to_cache`` now accepts a keyword-only argument ``replace``, defaulting to True, to determine whether it should replace existing files in the cache, in a way as close to atomic as possible. [10437] - ``astropy.utils.data.download_file`` and related functions now treat ``http://example.com`` and ``http://example.com/`` as equivalent. [10631] astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^ - The new auxiliary WCS parameters added in WCSLIB 7.1 are now exposed as the ``aux`` attribute of ``Wcsprm``. [10333] - Updated bundled version of ``WCSLIB`` to v7.3. [10433] Bug fixes --------- astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added an extra fallback to ``os.expanduser('~')`` when trying to find the user home directory. [10570] astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Corrected definition of parsec to 648 000 / pi AU following IAU 2015 B2 [10569] astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug where a float-typed integers in the argument ``x_range`` of ``astropy.convolution.utils.discretize_oversample_1D`` (and the 2D version as well) fails because it uses ``numpy.linspace``, which requires an ``int``. [10696] astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Ensure that for size-1 array ``SkyCoord`` and coordinate frames the attributes also properly become scalars when indexed with 0. [10113] - Fixed a bug where ``SkyCoord.separation()`` and ``SkyCoord.separation_3d`` were not accepting a frame object. [10332] - Ensure that the ``lon`` values in ``SkyOffsetFrame`` are wrapped correctly at 180 degree regardless of how the underlying data is represented. [10163] - Fixed an error in the obliquity of the ecliptic when transforming to/from the ``*TrueEcliptic`` coordinate frames. The error would primarily result in an inaccuracy in the ecliptic latitude on the order of arcseconds. [10129] - Fixed an error in the computation of the location of solar system bodies where the Earth location of the observer was ignored during the correction for light travel time. [10292] - Ensure that coordinates with proper motion that are transformed to other coordinate frames still can be represented properly. [10276] - Improve the error message given when trying to get a cartesian representation for coordinates that have both proper motion and radial velocity, but no distance. [10276] - Fixed an error where ``SkyCoord.apply_space_motion`` would return incorrect results when no distance is set and proper motion is high. [10296] - Make the parsing of angles thread-safe so that ``Angle`` can be used in Python multithreading. [10556] - Fixed reporting of ``EarthLocation.info`` which previously raised an exception. [10592] astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug with the C ``fast_reader`` not correctly parsing newlines when ``delimiter`` was also set to ``\n`` or ``\r``; ensured consistent handling of input strings without newline characters. [9929] astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix integer formats of ``TFORMn=Iw`` columns in ASCII tables to correctly read values exceeding int32 - setting int16, int32 or int64 according to ``w``. [9901] - Fix unclosed memory-mapped FITS files in ``FITSDiff`` when difference found. [10159] - Fix crash when reading an invalid table file. [10171] - Fix duplication issue when setting a keyword ending with space. [10482] - Fix ResourceWarning with ``fits.writeto`` and ``pathlib.Path`` object. [10599] - Fix repr for commentary cards and strip spaces for commentary keywords. [10640] - Fix compilation of cfitsio with Xcode 12. [10772] - Fix handling of 1-dimensional arrays with a single element in ``BinTableHDU`` [10768] astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix id URL in ``baseframe-1.0.0`` ASDF schema. [10223] - Write keys to ASDF only if the value is present, to account for a change in behavior in asdf 2.8. [10674] astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix ``Table.(read|write).help`` when reader or writer has no docstring. [10460] astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed parsing failure of VOTable with no fields. When detecting a non-empty table with no fields, the following warning/exception is issued: E25 "No FIELDs are defined; DATA section will be ignored." [10192] astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a problem with mapping ``input_units`` and ``return_units`` of a ``CompoundModel`` to the units of the constituent models. [10158] - Removed hard-coded names of inputs and outputs. [10174] - Fixed a problem where slicing a ``CompoundModel`` by name will crash if there ``fix_inputs`` operators are present. [10224] - Removed a limitation of fitting of data with units with compound models without units when the expression involves operators other than addition and subtraction. [10415] - Fixed a problem with fitting ``Linear1D`` and ``Planar2D`` in model sets. [10623] - Fixed reported module name of ``math_functions`` model classes. [10694] - Fixed reported module name of ``tabular`` model classes. [10709] - Do not create new ``math_functions`` models for ufuncs that are only aliases (divide and mod). [10697] - Fix calculation of the ``Moffat2D`` derivative with respect to gamma. [10784] astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed an API regression where ``SigmaClip.__call__`` would convert masked elements to ``nan`` and upcast the dtype to ``float64`` in its output ``MaskedArray`` when using the ``axis`` parameter along with the defaults ``masked=True`` and ``copy=True``. [10610] - Fixed an issue where fully masked ``MaskedArray`` input to ``sigma_clipped_stats`` gave incorrect results. [10099] - Fixed an issue where ``sigma_clip`` and ``SigmaClip.__call__`` would return a masked array instead of a ``ndarray`` when ``masked=False`` and the input was a full-masked ``MaskedArray``. [10099] - Fixed bug with ``funcs.poisson_conf_interval`` where an integer for N with ``interval='kraft-burrows-nousek'`` would throw an error with mpmath backend. [10427] - Fixed bug in ``funcs.poisson_conf_interval`` with ``interval='kraft-burrows-nousek'`` where certain combinations of source and background count numbers led to ``ValueError`` due to the choice of starting value for numerical optimization. [10618] astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug when writing a table with mixin columns to FITS, ECSV or HDF5. If one of the data attributes of the mixin (e.g. ``skycoord.ra``) had the same name as one of the table column names (``ra``), the column (``ra``) would be dropped when reading the table back. [10222] - Fixed a bug when sorting an indexed table on the indexed column after first sorting on another column. [10103] - Fixed a bug in table argsort when called with ``reverse=True`` for an indexed table. [10103] - Fixed a performance regression introduced in 9048 when initializing a table from Python lists. Also fixed incorrect behavior (for data types other than float) when those lists contain ``np.ma.masked`` elements to indicate masked data. [10636] - Avoid modifying ``.meta`` when serializing columns to FITS. [10485] - Avoid crash when reading a FITS table that contains mixin info and PyYAML is missing. [10485] astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Ensure that for size-1 array ``Time``, the location also properly becomes a scalar when indexed with 0. [10113] astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Refined test_parallax to resolve difference between 2012 and 2015 definitions. [10569] astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The default IERS server has been updated to use the FTPS server hosted by CDDIS. [9964] - Fixed memory allocation on 64-bit systems within ``xml.iterparse`` [10076] - Fix case where ``None`` could be used in a numerical computation. [10126] astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug where the ``ImageNormalize`` ``clip`` keyword was ignored when used with calling the object on data. [10098] - Fixed a bug where ``axes.xlabel``/``axes.ylabel`` where not correctly set nor returned on an ``EllipticalFrame`` class ``WCSAxes`` plot. [10446] astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Handled WCS 360 -> 0 deg crossover in ``fit_wcs_from_points`` [10155] - Do not issue ``DATREF`` warning when ``MJDREF`` has default value. [10440] - Fixed a bug due to which ``naxis`` argument was ignored if ``header`` was supplied during the initialization of a WCS object. [10532] Other Changes and Additions --------------------------- - Improved the speed of sorting a large ``Table`` on a single column by a factor of around 5. [10103] - Ensure that astropy can be used inside Application bundles built with pyinstaller. [8795] - Updated the bundled CFITSIO library to 3.49. See ``cextern/cfitsio/docs/changes.txt`` for additional information. [10256, 10665] - ``extract_array`` raises a ``ValueError`` if the data type of the input array is inconsistent with the ``fill_value``. [10602] ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/astropy - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/astropy/ - Homepage: http://astropy.org

Update matplotlib from 3.2.2 to 3.3.2.

Changelog ### 3.3.2 ``` This is the second bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix `Axis` scale on twinned `Axes` * fix auto-close of `Figure`s in nbagg * fix automatic title placement if `Axes` is off the `Figure` * fix autoranging of log scales with barstacked histogram * fix extra redraws when using `Button` or `TextBox` widgets * fix imshow with `LogNorm` and large vmin/vmax ranges * fix plotting Pandas `DataFrame` with string `MultiIndex` * fix `scatter` with `marker=''` * fix `scatter3d` color/linewidth re-projection * fix state of mode buttons in TkAgg backends * include license files in built distribution * reduce Visual C++ runtime requirements on Windows ``` ### 3.3.1 ``` This is the first bugfix release of the 3.3.x series. This release contains several critical bug-fixes: * fix docstring import issues when running Python with optimization * fix `hist` with categorical data, such as with Pandas * fix install on BSD systems * fix nbagg compatibility with Chrome 84+ * fix ordering of scatter marker size in 3D plots * fix performance regression when plotting `Path`s * fix reading from URL in `imread` * fix several regressions with new date epoch handling * fix some bad constrained and tight layout interactions with colorbars * fix use of customized toolbars in TkAgg and WXAgg backends ``` ### 3.3.0 ``` Highlights of this release include: - Provisional API for composing semantic axes layouts from text or nested lists - New Axes.sharex, Axes.sharey methods - Turbo colormap - colors.BoundaryNorm supports extend keyword argument - Text color for legend labels - Pcolor and Pcolormesh now accept shading='nearest' and 'auto' - Allow tick formatters to be set with str or function inputs - New Axes.axline method - Dates use a modern epoch - Improved font weight detection - Axes3D no longer distorts the 3D plot to match the 2D aspect ratio - More consistent toolbar behavior across backends - Toolbar icons are now styled for dark themes - Cursor text now uses a number of significant digits matching pointing precision - Functions to compute a Path's size - savefig() gained a backend keyword argument - Saving SVG now supports adding metadata - Saving PDF metadata via PGF now consistent with PDF backend - NbAgg and WebAgg no longer use jQuery & jQuery UI For the full details please see the [What's New](https://matplotlib.org/3.3.0/users/whats_new.html) and [API changes](https://matplotlib.org/3.3.0/api/api_changes.html) in the documentation. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/matplotlib - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/matplotlib/ - Homepage: https://matplotlib.org

Update PyAstronomy from 0.13.0 to 0.15.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pyastronomy - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pyastronomy/ - Repo: https://github.com/sczesla/PyAstronomy

Update pytest from 5.4.3 to 6.1.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pytest - Homepage: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/

Update pytest-cov from 2.10.0 to 2.10.1.

Changelog ### 2.10.1 ``` ------------------- * Support for ``pytest-xdist`` 2.0, which breaks compatibility with ``pytest-xdist`` before 1.22.3 (from 2017). Contributed by Zac Hatfield-Dodds in `412 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-cov/pull/412>`_. * Fixed the ``LocalPath has no attribute startswith`` failure that occurred when using the ``pytester`` plugin in inline mode. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-cov - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pytest-cov/ - Repo: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-cov

Update pytest-xdist from 1.32.0 to 2.1.0.

Changelog ### 2.1.0 ``` =============================== Features -------- - `585 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/585>`_: New ``pytest_xdist_auto_num_workers`` hook can be implemented by plugins or ``conftest.py`` files to control the number of workers when ``--numprocesses=auto`` is given in the command-line. Trivial Changes --------------- - `585 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/585>`_: ``psutil`` has proven to make ``pytest-xdist`` installation in certain platforms and containers problematic, so to use it for automatic number of CPUs detection users need to install the ``psutil`` extra:: pip install pytest-xdist[psutil] ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` =============================== Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - `541 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/541>`_: Drop backward-compatibility "slave" aliases related to worker nodes. We deliberately moved away from this terminology years ago, and it seems like the right time to finish the deprecation and removal process. - `569 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/569>`_: ``pytest-xdist`` no longer supports Python 2.7. Features -------- - `504 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/504>`_: New functions ``xdist.is_xdist_worker``, ``xdist.is_xdist_master``, ``xdist.get_xdist_worker_id``, to easily identify the current node. Bug Fixes --------- - `471 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/471>`_: Fix issue with Rsync reporting in quiet mode. - `553 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/553>`_: When using ``-n auto``, count the number of physical CPU cores instead of logical ones. Trivial Changes --------------- - `541 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/541>`_: ``pytest-xdist`` now requires ``pytest>=6.0``. ``` ### 1.34.0 ``` ================================ Features -------- - `549 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/549>`_: Make ``--pdb`` imply ``--dist no``, as the two options cannot really work together at the moment. Bug Fixes --------- - `478 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/478>`_: Fix regression with duplicated arguments via $PYTEST_ADDOPTS in 1.30.0. - `558 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/558>`_: Fix ``rsyncdirs`` usage with pytest 6.0. - `562 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/562>`_: Do not trigger the deprecated ``pytest_warning_captured`` in pytest 6.0+. ``` ### 1.33.0 ``` ================================ Features -------- - `554 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/554>`_: Fix warnings support for upcoming pytest 6.0. Trivial Changes --------------- - `548 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist/issues/548>`_: SCM and CI files are no longer included in the source distribution. ```
Links - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-xdist - Changelog: https://pyup.io/changelogs/pytest-xdist/ - Repo: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-xdist
pyup-bot commented 3 years ago

Closing this in favor of #173