User Scenario
As a user, when I have client numbers at multiple stores, I want to be able to see all historical work orders across all of my accounts.
Current API implementation and launch scope includes an API which only supports querying by a single client ID. Combining the results from all client IDs across all companies is best handled by the API/Database side directly. /api/v2/002/vehiclehist/client/002010015?$limit=300
Acceptance Criteria
When selecting the "All of my vehicles" dropdown filter, and on initial page load, history entries across all of my company numbers and client IDs shall be displayed.
User Scenario As a user, when I have client numbers at multiple stores, I want to be able to see all historical work orders across all of my accounts.
Background Current API implementation and launch scope includes an API which only supports querying by a single client ID. Combining the results from all client IDs across all companies is best handled by the API/Database side directly. /api/v2/002/vehiclehist/client/002010015?$limit=300
Acceptance Criteria