DanielCho-HK / ICME2023-Attention-Aware-Anime-Line-Drawing-Colorization

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about configurations #4

Open sgmtg opened 2 weeks ago

sgmtg commented 2 weeks ago

I am very interested in your research and would like to reproduce the results presented in your paper. How should I configure the training parameters (e.g., batch size, iterations)? Are the default settings sufficient? Thank you for your assistance.

DanielCho-HK commented 2 weeks ago

I am very interested in your research and would like to reproduce the results presented in your paper. How should I configure the training parameters (e.g., batch size, iterations)? Are the default settings sufficient? Thank you for your assistance.

Thank you for being so interested in my work. Please see train_our.py and model_our.py; these two files correspond. The detailed parameter configurations are in the file train_our.py. I felt so sorry about my native coding skills when I did this work about two years ago. If you have more questions about this work, please get in touch with me.