DanielDe / org-web

org-mode on the web, built with React, optimized for mobile, synced with Dropbox and Google Drive
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Collapse / expand all? #120

Open auwsom opened 2 years ago

auwsom commented 2 years ago

Any chance for collapse / expand all like in Workflowy/Dynalist/other outliners?

It seems the org-mode 'global cycling' is lost in the browser to Shift-Tab reverse field navigation. Ctrl-U for outline-show-all is mapped to show source in browsers. As well as the keys for outline-show-branches. I've seen some instructions for shortcut definition in this repo's docs. Will they work for these features? https://orgmode.org/manual/Global-and-local-cycling.html

Here is my post from the Dynalist forum explaining the great uses of this feature. It would be good to have an open source alternative to Dynalist, which seems very much to have implemented the feature set of org-mode as a web service. https://talk.dynalist.io/t/auto-collapse-on-next-section-expand-and-pinning/8122

Does org-mode have any kind of pinning?

DanielDe commented 2 years ago

I think this is a good suggestion!

Does org-mode have any kind of pinning?

No, not currently.

auwsom commented 2 years ago

Just another quick suggestion.. it would be great to be able to use the "speed commands" keys (https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/33330) and even better to integrate them with the key shortcuts that are very similar with Workflowy and Dynalist.

Also, there's no way to use the keyboard to navigate up and down on org-web is there? ..thanks!

DanielDe commented 2 years ago

Oh neat, I'd never heard of the speed commands before!

There is indeed a way! Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P